I woke up this morning feeling way more tired than usual. I got dressed and walked out of the tent. The sun was still rising and I was the only one awake. I decided to just go for a run. I jogged to the beginning of the running trail Steve showed me. I began and decided to go for a slow jog, I needed to get my mind off everything.
When I reached mile 19 I heard someone come up behind me. "How'd you sleep?" I looked to my side to find James there. I scoffed and ran faster. He caught up to me once again. "Just stop for a second!" I was ahead of him a couple yards and slowed down to a stop. I turned around at him, an annoying expression showing. "What?!" I snapped at him. He came closer to me, towering over me. I looked up at him. "Why did you react to these necklaces?" He took out the necklaces from his shirt. My eyes opened wider and I took a couple steps back. He saw me do this and walked closer to me. He pulled me by my arm to him. My eyes fluttered up to his eyes. He showed a small glint to his eyes and leaned into my face. My breathing grew heavier everytime he got closer. His lips kissed mine softly for about 2 seconds before he backed away and asked me again, "Why did you react to these?" He looked desperate for answers. I looked down, "One of those are mine." His eyes looked questionable. I reached for one of the necklaces and smiled at the memory of him giving it to me. "My necklace has 2 scratches on the back." I bit my lip and smiled. "You punched two guys in the face for me that night. Your necklace has my initial. I carved it in for you."
He stood there, eyebrows furrowed. He observed the necklaces and his expression was awe. He looked up at me and pushed me towards a tree. His arm were on the sides of my head. He looked down at me. We just stared into each others eyes for a couple seconds before I reached for his face. I placed my hands on his cheeks and smiled. He smiled back at me. I pulled him to me and cocked my head to the side and kissed the corner of his mouth. I pulled back and he looked surprised. I giggled at him. "I miss you so much James..Please let me help you remember?" I pleaded him. He smiled at me and whispered to me, "Tell me everything." He looked at me with a glint in his eye. I smiled because that was the first time I saw that glint since before he was brainwashed.
I heard someone coming and sat down on the floor and whispered to James, "Come to my tent tonight?" I asked hoping he would agree. He kissed my cheek and went into the woods.
Steve came up running and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw me. "Where have you been?! I thought you were missing!" "Sorry, just wanted some air and just get away from everyone." I said matter of factly. He knelt down in front of me and grabbed my chin. "You're trouble." He chuckled at me. I playfully punched his jaw. "Do you want to come back to camp or just stay here and 'breath' a little more?" "I'll stay a couple more minutes. Just go ahead, I'll see you back there." He nodded an kissed my forehead. He gave me an awkward wave and ran. I waited until he was out of sight to call James out.
He looked in the direction Steve ran to and glared. "What was that?!" he snarled at me. I placed my hand on his chest. "He's a really good friend. I need to go. Please see me?" I begged and gave him hopeful eyes and jut out my lip. He lifted his head and gave a deep breath. He nodded and I couldn't contain my excitement. I jumped on him and caused him to bump into a tree. My hands were around his neck and I instantly regretted what I did. I reached for the floor with my toe and got off him. I put my head down in embarrassment and walked away. He whistled at me and I met his eyes. He walked up to me slowly and smiled at me. I bit my lip in anticipation. He came close to my face and I giggled. his lips met my lips and he bit on my lower lip. I looked up at him shocked. He smirked and walked away.
I ran to meet Steve. I only began running to end up bumping into him. He was in front of me, arms crossed. "I saw you with him." He smirked at me. "Do you have this Romeo and Juliet thing going on?" He stifled a chuckle. "Shut up Rogers." I smirked at him. His expression changed and he stared at me for a couple seconds with a weird look on his face. I shuffled awkwardly on my feet for a moment. He shook his head and stuttered and decided to run ahead of me. I shook it off and ran after him.
Omigosh i've been sucking at these chapters lately😭well anyways just keep reading, voting and commenting. watch what they'll do next😈 ok quick question team steve or team bucky!!!!!😍😘

My Winter Soldier
FanfictionI didn't plan on falling in love,but things have a funny way of coming at you. He's been long gone since that tragic accident. People never realized that there was a girl with them. Probably because she was dressed as a man. Ever since he fell off t...