Chapter 4 - Set Up

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Despite Jungkook's protests Yoongi finished the whole bottle of vodka. They were lying on the glass under the moonlight in a comfortable silence. Both of them were looking at the sky as they ate their food. Even though Jungkook would never admit it, he was having fun. Something about the older male made him comfortable, happy even. Curiously Jungkook looked over to Yoongi as he leaned on his elbows and stared for a moment before asking, "Are you drinking for the same reason you bought those flowers?" His eyebrows knitted Yoongi looked up at Jungkook and sat up. "If I'm going to be honest, yes."

Jungkook nodded thoughtfully, "I've always wondered what loving someone felt like. Whenever I see Namjoon and Jin hyung, they look so in love. I wished that someone would one day look at me the way they look at each other." He confessed and looked over at Yoongi with a sad smile. Yoongi shook his head and frowned. "It's all sunshine and rainbows until they don't love you anymore. It's easy to fall in love but it's harder to stay that way." His voice hardened and he played with the band on his finger. "I was going to propose, when I came home I found him in my bed with my best friend. This ring was supposed to be our fresh start. Instead I find them, together." He seethed and looked at the water.
"I hope you find some peace someday." He whispered softly. Yoongi sighed and let go of the bottle. "I hope so too bunny."

The wind whistled and blew across the pair. Jungkook's chocolate brown hair flipping and sweeping over his eyes, he lied back down and looked up at the sky. He thought back to the night before the day of his parent's funeral. That night was just like this one, windy but warm. Except this time he wasn't sitting alone. It was strange to him how this came to. He was sitting in front of the Han River next to a heartbroken man. "Why do you call me bunny?" Jungkook asked him while he stared at the water. Yoongi chuckled, "You're cute like one." Upon hearing his reply Jungkook blushed. "I'm not a kid you know."

"Yeah sure."


~A Few Weeks Later~

"Jungkook! I got something for you!" Taehyung yelled as he walked into his small apartment with Yoongi. Sweating profusely Jungkook turned around to look at him. "How the hell did you get in?" He groaned and wiped his forhead. Yoongi smirked and pulled out a key. "Under the mat remember?" At the sight of the small silver key he sighed and sat on the couch. "Oh that. So what is it hyung?" Jungkook asked with staccto breaths and ran his fingers through his recently dyed black hair.

Taehyung grinned and waved his phone in Jungkook's face. Annoyed he snatched the phone from Taehyung's hand to read whatever was on his screen. Upon reading it he scoffed. "What is this?" Taking his phone back Taehyung scrolled for a moment and showed him the screen again. "I'm setting you up on a blind date my friend." Yoongi coughed and Jungkook raised a brow. "Excuse me?" With a sigh Taehyung went through his phone and sent Jungkook the number. "You need to get out there man. You need a life." He rolled his eyes and stood up.

"There is nothing wrong with me being single. I do have a life." He grumbled and crossed his arms. Jungkook took notice of Yoongi and went to him. "Right?" With a small smile he lifted his hands up, "Don't drag me into this. You decide what you want bunny." Groaning Jungkook turned to Taehyung, "This is the first and last time I'm ever going to let you set me up with someone. Understood?" Grinning widely he nodded and put his phone away. "What are you doing that has you sweating like that?" Taehyung asked. Panting lightly Jungkook moved the box out of the way. "I'm packing up, the landlord says I have to leave by next friday."

The two elders nodded silently. "Need help?" Yoongi asked and took off his jacket. Shrugging Jungkook got up. "If you don't mind. I only have the living room and the dining area to finish. Everything else is done." Taehyung raised a brow. "You did all that in two days?" Jungkook hummed and stacked one box on top of the other. "I don't have much Tae Hyung. You know that." He turned to Yoongi and handed him a box. "Everything on the dining table goes in here." Taking the box he nodded.

For the next 2 hours the trio cleaned and packed. When they had finished all the major things they all collapsed on the couch. "Thank you. I really apperciate the help." Jungkook said breathlessly and looked at both of his hyungs. "No problem bunny." Yoongi smiled at him. Taehyung follow suit and patted Jungkook's shoulder. Starving and sweaty they ordered food and Jungkook got them to shower while they waited. Taehyung went first which left Jungkook and Yoongi in the living room watching tv. Side by side in comfortable silence Jungkook stared at the tv as he took long deep breaths.

"Why'd you come with Tae hyung?" Jungkook randomly asked and looked over to him with big curious eyes. Without looking back to Jungkook he said, "I wanted to see you." Heat rushed to Jungkook's cheeks. "Really?" Yoongi hummed and looked over at him. "Why are you blushing bunny?" He asked with a soft voice. Looking away from Yoongi he bit his bottom lip. "No reason.." Tension built up and the bathroom door opened suddenly. "I'm done." Taehyung spoke as he walked out from the semi steamed up bathrooom. "Do you want to go first Yoongi hyung?" The youngest asked and looked to Yoongi. Shaking his head he said,

"You can go first bunny."

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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