Hi guys,
as promised here is the next chapter. Enjoy and please comment, vote and fan!
Chapter sixteen
Single Parent
I was waiting outside the kindergarten for Heru to be brought outside by one of his teachers. I looked around and saw that a lot of these half ruined houses were going through heavy renovation.
I loved to stay in Harlem. This was a nice neighbourhood. People cared for each other, greeted each other, talked to each other and especially in our street on weekends there was another world.
Of course most of the people here were Afroamericans and me and Heru looked like the lost ones in between but they have already adopted us in their community.
After Herus first Birthday I had several calls from ladys who tried to help me by finding strength in God. This was really sweet. None of them were aware that I was one deity myself. But feeling the most precious gift like love for each other and empathy made it so special I loved the people of my area. Soon we were all known by name but we didn’t know them so going for “Groceryshopping” was allways fun. You would never be alone. From everywhere someone greeted me, like old ladys “Sugar, how are you today?” I smiled to myself I would only allow ald ladies to call me that. Or “Bellabeautiful, how have you been? Do you need help?” “Wow your little boy has grown so much lately”. I would say they were trying to give me a new home, a new life with a lot of friends. This helped on the daytime but at night when my little angel was sleeping. I couldn’t get rest. I couldn’t black out. Lately when I looked to the mirror I saw some little wrinkles on my skin. This was impossible. The only explanation was that the seperation from Edward was the reason. I watched the DVD several times alone and caught myself by touching the screen in the hope to feel him through it… Totally wrapped in my thoughts I heard the most beautiful voice.
“Momma. You are here!” Heru squeeked…
“Yes my baby. I am here I got out of class this early just to pick my prince up.” I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.
“Good afternoon Ms Hecc. Heru was a prince charming as every day. I wish we would have some more kids like him!” She said. Here eyes were sad when she saw my engagement ring and the wedding band. “Ms Hecc, you have to let go. It makes it harder for yourself and for him. He needs a father figure in his life. Last Tuesday when he was napping I heard him murmur, Aunty tell Daddy I love him. I miss him, his voice and how he patted my back” She looked like she was trying to hold back her tears.
I cleared my throat in the attempt to keep my voice calm and not to break out in a cry as well.
“thank you for your kind words, but at the moment I want to concentrate on Heru and my studies. It is the end of the first year and I have exams right ahead.Thanks anyway”
Yes this was the reason for me. My Heru, and the thought of beeing able to help people soon as beeing a doctor. After entering the university here at Med school I was beamed how good my studies were. The professors were actually surprised that I was a single mom at my age. I told them the story and that I was living on the insurance my husband had got for me and our son. After the first semester I had the opportunity to take a head of extra exams and did succeed. This way I could skip three additional semesters. Now I had the semi finals a head and had to learn all day long and night.
I was walking with Heru to the next subway station when Heru started to send me his thoughts.
Momma, can I ask you something.
Sure hun, what is it?
Why are you not forgiving daddy? I mean I know he did the whole mess and is responsible but still you both love each other.
Holy moly…Uh hun. Yes he loves you and he loves me but not in the same way as before. I mean as before you were born. We were inseperable you know?
I know momma. I have been there all the time…
Uh this is weird. Am I talking to my little sweet innocent boy about my lovel..?
No momma this is not about your lovelife this is being about a complete mess here. We were supposed to be a family right? I want to have that sister you have promised me…
Oh wow. This was taking a weird direction.
Heru. I would like to discuss this further but both of us are not ready for this yet. You are obviously too young and I am not ready for this…
I sighed. Walking down the step to the subway I got him to carry him downstairs. This little man was more like his father than I wanted him to be. On one hand I loved to see the similarities on the other it was hurting me too much.
Momma, sorry you are good to me I didn’t want to hurt you.
I kissed my little man on his cheek and told him that it is ok. Suddenly some of my instincts kicked in. We were here all alone by ourselves. Where for universes sake were we? I haven’t been in this station before. I heard a mens voice behind me, than another one, a third one and a fourth one. I grabbed my phone and pressed speed dial to felicitas. She would know that I need her. She was like my sister.
“Heru, hun if anything happens. Promise me you take this phone and press the number were the picture of your Grandma is on. Do you understand me? And run! OK?! I will let nothing happen to you.” I kissed his cheek put him on the ground and turned to see the guys who were freaking stupid to mess with me.
“Look she has an even prettier face than her ass is!” One of them stated. I scanned the area in vampire speed. Those are going to regret messing with me. And with that thought ISIS kicked in me.
“You leave or will die!” I yelled more in a commanding voice.
“Wow she want to fight. I love Milfs that fights”the smaller one shouted. The huge on took a step a head and then I saw it. He was a vampire. Good than he will know who I am.
“Mother earth help me?” I whispered only for Vampires to hear. The two in the back which were silent the whole time looked like they were shitting their pants.
“Sam! This is not a normal chick you can have fun and drain her! This must be her. She must be the one in the Vampire news…” Oh goody now I was in the news…
Both looked at each other bent down to me and gave me an apologetic look. Suddenly Felicitas was behind them. So they couldn’t escape.
“I am sorry guys. You will never ever have fun with any beeing and or kill them!” I stated coldly. Felicitas was one of my students. The little magic I have tought her was how to build a wall or a circle around some one. So a wall of light appeared behind her blocking them from the run.
“Sam. For good times. Apologize go on your knees may be she will let us alive?” One of them pleaded.
“Nah…I think this will be interesting may be she is just a witch. Look at her” He directed at Felicitas. She is not even a full Vampire..drinks only rabbits blood…”
“Enough” I yelled. I huge sword of light as known from the several battles of us appeared.
And I ran towards them. A weird pink light surrounded me and I thought- my little boy is just like his father.
After finishing with same the other one tried to run away and was killed by the sword immediately. Slowly like a snake I walked forward to the two who tried to apologize.
“I am sorry guys. But I can not allow you to to drain innocent people and kill them afterwards” With that two little swords appeared and pearced them before they exploded to ash like the others.
“WOW. I heard Felicitas. Thank you Bella this was a Hell of a show!” She cheered. I have to become allmost 400 hundred years old to see a deity in action…she smiled at me…
I turned around to get my little baby in my arms to help me calm down when I saw him sitting in the corner with tears in the eyes. He was speaking to Esme via video mode and as it seems Esme witnessed the fight.
“Heru, baby. Please give momma the phone and give me a hug.”
He did so and when he hugged me I looked at Esme who had tears in her eyes. I mouthed I am sorry and I love you. Then I pressed the button to end the call.
“Thank you Heru. I want you to forget those bad vampires ok? They are gone now. Momma maid them gone. They can’t harm any one. Neither us nor other people ok?”
He had tears in his eyes and only nodded. Then he touched my cheek.
Momma. You are stron. Esme told me that I should not be scared. If anything happens she would be with me anytime and within seconds.
Your Grandma is right hun. She can be there within seconds. She is my mother. She delivered you. Not even Grandpa could help and he is a great doctor..you know that right?
Uhm. Ok. Momma I miss Daddy. He should have been here with you.
Honey. He is with me. You are with me and you are half your father so if you are with me so is he…
He smiled at me.
I hugged him and carried him to the exit. What a day and I was hoping for a restful afternoon in the back yard but as it seems beeing a single parent never lets you rest…