part 9

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A/N--VERY short chp 

Chp 9

Quin and Jason waved goodbye to Lena and Gary on the porch then turned to make their way inside, this time Quin held onto jason and they snickered lightly at the memory of Lena and Gary fighting over whos turn it was to do the dishes when they got home.

Quin let go of Jason's arm when they got back to the living room and sat delacatly on the couch. Jason smiled and turned , bending to pick up the empty soda cans and unplug the game he and Gary played.

"Thanks a lot Jason"

His hands stilled and he turned to look at her in confusion. "What for"?

Quin smiled at him brightly "I don't know yet"

Jason huffed lightly to himself and watched as the dreamy look settled over her face . He shook his head once and turned back to cleaning up he had no idea what to make of her ...

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