Chapter 2

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I woke up in a very VERY familiar place. The room was completely black and the only light was coming from 4 candles on pliers. However there was one thing different. The bed I woke up on. Normally it was a very rusty and old bed (it looked like this)

But now it looks very gothic and fits the atmosphere nicely (heres what the new bed looks like)

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But now it looks very gothic and fits the atmosphere nicely (heres what the new bed looks like)

But now it looks very gothic and fits the atmosphere nicely (heres what the new bed looks like)

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"Well well well long time no see (Y/n)." said Reaper "Its been 2 years I think, that has to be a new record!"

I meet Reaper when I die for the first time (you'll learn later how you died) she was really nice and explained my situation. Apparently 5% of humans are born with power like levitation or shapeshifting. My power is that I can't die or grow old (when you hit 18 you no longer age and you are 18) this is the 15 time I've been to Reaper's house, because for some reason when I die it takes me here to Reapers "guest" bedroom.

"(Y/n) you should have seen how the last guy die! "

"How'd he die"

"OK so he was going home an saw a 'car' about to hit a girl so he jump and pushed her out of the way to save her. But the 'car' was a tractor and he died from shock!!" (Does anyone get this reference?)

At that moment we both laughed at how pathetic that guy died.

"OK so according to the book it says you were killed by a murderer, would you mind giving me the juicy details?"

At that I explained my experience with the Link cosplayer crawling out of my TV and sliting my throat.

"It was cool and slightly weird at the same time." I finished

"Hmmmm I feel like I've heard that some where before, OH WELL, now let's get you back to earth so you can bury your own corpse. Are you sure you don't want help?" Reaper asked

"Nah I'm a big girl, I can carry my own corpse. Plus it's a good workout." I replied

"OK then just lay on the bed and fall asleep and you'll be back in no time!" Reaper said

"Kay, see you next death!" I yawned and started to go to sleep.

The girl who could never die (Creepypasta x reader) Where stories live. Discover now