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"I only would date singers if they dated models." Taehyung responds.

"I've never dated a model. I've always just focused on my career, not relationships. Until I met Lee Joon and..." Jungkook pauses. "Then he made me focus on only him."

-buzz buzz-

Taehyung's body froze as he felt his phone vibrate inside of his pocket.

"What's wrong? I should've not said that, right? I'm sorry for bringing him up." Jungkook exclaims nervously as his heart raced.

"N-No it's okay. My phone just..." Taehyung pauses as he stared at the message.


Please tell me you're somewhere safe

I'm somewhere safe

Are you sure?
I'm really scared for you dude

I'm fine
I'm at a friend's house

Make sure you stay there
Opened just now


"You talk to Jay Park too?" Jungkook asks as he stares at Taehyung's phone.

"Yeah, why? Do you?" Taehyung asks.

"I use to. Then Joon told me to stop talking to him so I did." Jungkook admits. "I didn't want him accusing me of anything."

"You should be able to talk to whoever you want." Taehyung says.

"He use to steal my phone and snoop through it when I wasn't around." Jungkook continues. "Then when I came back and looked at my phone. I was receiving hundreds of text messages from people I hadn't talked to."

Taehyung was eager to know more. He was very interested in the conversation. "How did you find out?" Taehyung asks.

"It was obvious. Then I started taking my phone with me, everywhere I go. Joon thought I was hiding something from him. He even accused me of cheating on him because I changed my password." Jungkook smirks as he turns his face aways from Taehyung.

"He has a lot of nerve..." Taehyung pauses. "When he's the one who's cheating."

Jungkook stares at Taehyung and nods swiftly.

"I don't have anything else to say to him. I don't ever want to see him again. He's completely fucking dead to me." Jungkook confesses as he clenched his fists together.

"Kookie~" Taehyung says sweetly as he turns his face towards the younger.

"Huh?" Jungkook says as he turns the television on with the remote controller.

"Do you wanna do gay things together?" Taehyung asks bluntly.


"Why did you tell Jungkook and Tae that we were going to the store? Couldn't you just tell him we were going out." Jimin asks a he slurps his soup.

"I told you that I wanted to talk. Plus, Jungkook and Tae need some time. Y'know, after the whole Lee Joon bullshit." Yoongi admits.

"Ah, yeah I see. What is it that you wanted to say?" Jimin asks as he awkwardly slurps his noodles.

"I wanted to show the world that I have the best boyfriend ever." Yoongi smiles.

"Th-The world?" Jimin chokes as he places his chopsticks down into the dining table.

"Yes baby the world. Our relationship isn't that obvious, yet. I've been thinking about this since Taehyung came out." Yoongi admits.

"Jungkook asked if we were dating. We must've been obvious." Jimin reminds him.

"Yeah I know. We might as well come clean." Yoongi says as he puts more noodles into Jimin's bowl.

"Are you not eating?" Jimin asks as he looks at Yoongi wide-eyed.

"No baby I want you to eat first. You can have some of mine." Yoongi smiles at his boyfriend.

"Well this doesn't really feel like a date if I'm eating by myself." Jimin pouts.

"If you insist. I'll eat with you baby." Yoongi admits as he picks up some bulgogi from the plate.

"Here let me feed you." Jimin insists.

"Mhm. This is good." Yoongi says as he chews his food.

"So you wanted to take me to a restaurant so we can talk about, coming out?" Jimin whispers as he leans toward his boyfriend.

"Yes. I want to do it soon, but only with your consent." Yoongi explains.

"Okay." Jimin says as shoves noodles into his mouth. "I give you all of my consent. Let's do it, together."


"We're never having sex until we marry. That's that." Jin says as he rolls his eyes at his boyfriend.

"That's a deal. I'm not complaining. I wasn't ever interested in having sex anytime soon." Namjoon laughs.

"With me?" Jin asks as he tilts his head.

"Of course with you. I wouldn't dare cheat on my handsome princess." Namjoon laughs as he kisses Jin on the cheek.

"You better not!" Jin says seriously as he crosses his arms.

"Aw, you're so cute!" Namjoon laughs as he kisses his future husband.

"Shut up." Jin says, trying to hide a smile.

"Let's do it. Let's get married!" Namjoon smiles.

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