Today is my first day st the Excorist Cram School in Tokyo. I was offered a full scholarship by a clown named Mephisto Pheles. The school's name is True Cross Academy. TCA is one of the best schools in Japan. Oh yeah, I forgot........ My name is Isuke Okumura. Yes I know I have a boys name. I am a fifteen year old tomboy.
I can't believe the school accepted me. I mean it's so big its on another island! It is also a school for normal students. Most of them don't know about the excorist part of the school. I heard they have some talented students in the Exwire class.
"That uniform looks good on you." said Mephisto. "But I'll have to imform you that your wearing the boys shirt, and tie." l ain't wearing those cute things besides I'm wearing the skirt." I said. "Fine then..." he said. I knocked into a boy."Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." He said. " I'm Yukio." "Isuke." "That name really suits you." he said."Yukio, show Isuke to her classroom." said Mephisto disappearing. Yukio lead me to a door. He said he had a key. I touched the door and it opened.
"How did y-" "I was born with weird abilities and crap." I said walking into a classroom. "Nice to meet you all my name's Isuke." I said. Everyone started to whisper except for a boy and a girl. I sat between both of them.
The boy watched me. "Are you ok?" I asked. "You look like me." he said . That's what everyone was whispering about. "I'm Rin Okumura." "My last name is Okumura too!" "Good morning class." said Yukio taking his seat at the teacher's desk. "Whait.....whaaaa!" I exclaimed.
"Exactly." said a boy with pink hair. He was cute not Rin cute but cute. "H-hello, I - I'm Shiemi!" the girl on the other side of me said grabbing my hands."Let's be friends." She said "Um.....ok?" I responded. Time went by quickly. We were in gym class. "Shouldn't you be in that advanced class?" Rin asked. "Shouldn't the son of the Demon King be more 'muscular'?" I asked. Everyone was laughing. "Good one Isuke!"Shima said. "Kissing up to Rin's sister?" Izumo asked pissed by Shima. "She's great." Shima said smiling. "I don't think he's my brother." I said unsure. "Cuz, she's a human." said Rin. "Rrrrright, human." I said sarcastically. "Why did you say it like that?" Rin asked. "I always had some type of supernatural abilities and crap." I answered putting my hands behind my head. Rin grabbed me. "It's not crap,learn to take it seriously!" he said screaming in my face. Blue flames appeared over Rin's body.
"You don't know what I've been through for the past fifteen years!" He continued screaming. "Probably I do, ya jerk and don't scream at me like that!! I screamed louder back. "What do you mean by that?" He asked calmly. "Yuri, my mother....She died......wanting to protect my ass, your ass, and Yukio!" I exclaimed. "I'll get that damned Vatican back for burning her." I said. "You're my sister." He said. "Um...everyone already knew except you two." Konekomaru said. I gave him the scariest look I could do. "Don't sass me you monk." "She's so scary!" he said hidding behind Rin. "She's smarter than Rin at least." Izumo said. "Polka brows that's not nice." Rin said laughing.
"Hey, new girl show us what you've got." said a teacher.
"Ms.Shura, you can't fight her she's new!"Izumo said. "We'll see about that."I said. "Rin, give me Kurikara." I said. "Once you draw it say goodbye to your humanity." Rin said. "I just wanna teach this woman a lesson." I said scowling. As I drew Kurikara a tail appeared on me, long ears, and fangs. Blue flames stood on my tail. Shura took a wooden sword. "Come at me newbie." Shura said waiting. "Don't let your guard
down. " I said.
I jumped into the air aiming the sword at Shura. Shura moved swiftly but I knew she was going to aim for my tail. I dodged quickly as she swung at my tail. "She's good."Said Mephisto. I knocked the sword out of Shura's hand and held it to her head."Told ya don't let your guard down." I said. "Same, goes for you."she said as a snake took a hold of my body. The snake tightened around my bust highlighting my curves. "She has a nice body." Shima said snapping pictures. "Let me go now." I commanded. "Let's see you wiggle out of that." Shura said. The snake squeezed me tighter. I was starting to get pissed. I bared my teeth at that teacher.
I was slowly loosing control of my body. I burned the snake into a crisp. I dropped Kurikara and slowly started walking toward Shura mindlessly. "Death.......despair.........Doesn't deserve to live."I said with a wide smile on my face. Rin stood in front of me and smiled. "C'mon, remember yourself Isuke." He said opening his arms. I was in control of my body again. I hugged Rin. "Tis, a heart touching moment." said Mephisto tilting his hat. Shiemi just smiled. Everyone joined into the hug except for Izumo who said she wasn't touching me one bit.
"We shouldn't let her draw that damned sword." said Shura. "She's worse than Rin." Yukio said. "Maybe we can use her as a weapon to defeat Satan." "That kid almost killed me!" said Shura. "She probably can defeat Satan" said Mephisto." The girl has talent." "Isuke, please come in." Said Yukio.
I walked into the office. "We're going to Vatican City." said Yukio. "For what?" I asked sitting in a chair. "For you to meet people." "Isuke, please go back to class."said Mephisto. "Yes, sir." I said walking back to class. Everyone except Rin, and Shiemi were me. "Are you ok?" said Ryoji. "Yes, I'm going to the Vatican tomorrow." I said.
"How the hell did she beat Shura-sensei?!" Ryoji screamed. "She was asking for it." I said. "She kinda was." Shima said. "You'll tear through Yukio." Rin said. "Since he's my brother I'll go easy on him."I said. "Don't underestimate Yuki-chan!" said Shiemi. "I'll go to Vatican City with you tomorrow." said Rin. "Me too."said Izumo and Shima. "I'll stay here with Bon" Konekomaru said.
"I'd like to see Isuke in a swimsuit." Shima said. "What a perv." Said Izumo. "Sexy, and a good fighter." said Shima imagining my body. I didn't mind. "Why, don't we take a bath after school?" said Shiemi. "Fine, by me, but I don't want you two to see me naked." said Izumo. "I wanna bathe too!" said Shura popping in. "Three babes taking a bath together!" Shima said smiling. "I'm here too!" said Izumo. "But you're flat." said Shura laughing. I started laughing too. Yukio intruded
"Everyone is dismissed." said Yukio. "Bath time!" said all the girls. The tub was huge. "So comfortable!" I said. Izumo looked uncomfortable. "You ok?" I asked. "I feel left out because I'm flat chested." I looked at her chest. "I heard massaging them and milk after a bath makes them bigger. A tenticle demon leaped out of the water." I don't have Kurikara." Damn, my sword is broken because of someone!" said Shura. " It was good knowing you all."I said. Rin popped in the bathroom. All of us in our underwear. "Give me Kurikara." I said. Rin threw me the sword. He ran out of the bathroom without saying anything. He popped back in with Yukio and two guns. He threw the guns at me. I shot five bullets in the demons head. It then dissappeared. Kurikara shattered into bits of dust. "Huh?" I said. Rin and I blacked out. When I woke up Yukio was over my body. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Yea, I'm fine." I couldn't move. "Hey, dont try to move!"He said pushing me back . Rin was still passed out and breathing hard. "Will he be ok? I asked. "Probably." Yukio said