Connor x Stripper!Reader
- Summary -The reader, who works there, sees the whole of a crime go down in Eden Club after the revolution has ended. They are taken to the DPD to be questioned. There, they meet Gavin Reed(you all know and prob hate him) who proceeds to make a rather rude joke about them being an android(not that there’s anything wrong with them being one but in this context it’s bad(also they are aren’t an android in this oneshot)). The reader makes a few snarky comments that “call for” Gavin to put a gun to their head. Connor walks in and orders Gavin to leave “saving” the reader. They recognize him when he starts to speak and have a small fan moment before explaining what had happened at the club earlier that night. After explaining everything the two laugh about the snarky comments said earlier by the reader before they leave Connor a blushing mess.
Eden Club… the location of my income. And since the end of the revolution they’ve started hiring humans again, which is how I acquired a paying position there. Another crime was committed there not too long after my first day, similar to the last one. Only difference this time is that I saw everything.
I’m pulled into the interrogation room and seated before a gruff looking man with a stubbly face and short brown hair. The man stared me down for a solid minute before getting in my face. “What are you? Did all that sex make your LED pop off?” he laughs at his “joke” but I grimace. “No, actually I’m human. What are you? A failed version of the ‘famous deviant hunter’?” I say the last remark under my breath but he seems to hear me anyways. “Shut the fuck up! You’re just a stripper who doesn’t know shit!” He yells getting closer to my face. I feel some spit land on my skin and dramatically wipe it off my face. “If I don’t know anything then why am I here wise guy?” I remark, crossing my arms over my chest, a smirk evident on my face.
I hear the door behind me open just as the douche in front of me pulls out a gun and points it at my forehead. I can’t say I’m not scared because I am but I know it's entirely my fault this is happening. “Reed, stand down!” I hear a man say behind me. Reed doesn’t move until the man that was behind me walks towards him pushing his sleeves up his arms. I look my savior over quickly and notice an LED flickering on his temple. An android huh? I study his face, it looks familiar to me in a way. He pushes Reed out the door and I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding in.
“Hello, I’m extremely sorry for all of Officer Reed’s behavior.” When he sits down and I hear the android’s voice it clicks within my brain. “Wait! Aren’t you the “famous deviant hunter”?!” I put my hands on my cheeks and let out a miniature squeak. He seems taken aback by my actions but he shakes his head to dismiss anything he was thinking. He leans forward, resting his chin on one hand. “So tell me about the murder.” he smiles and I explain everything.
After I tell the full story in graphic detail to Connor he stands and holds his hand out me. I take it expecting a handshake but he pulls me out of my chair instead. He proceeds to pull me to him and he embraces me. “I heard what you said to Gavin earlier.” he chuckles in my ear and I rack my brain trying to remember what snarky thing I must have said an hour ago. I realize what he’s talking about and laugh. “Yeah, I’m normally sassy to people like him. Is he always such a little bitch?” I laugh as he pulls away from our short lived hug. He laughs a bit and smiles sweetly at me. “Yeah, he’s normally like that unfortunately for us all.” He smiles sweetly. “Oh, yeah by the way, thanks for saving my ass in there. If you wouldn’t have walked in I would have gotten myself shot in the head.” I laugh… Sort of… It’s more of a thank whatever god there is I’m not dead kind of laugh. “Well, I should get going. Hope I see you again sometime under better circumstances Connor.” I wink at him and laugh lightly when his face begins to have a blue tint where a usual blush would be.
- (A/n) -
Sorry the summary is so long but anyways on to the important shit... The next one I'm writing is going to be a smut. I want a vote on whether Connor should be dominant or submissive. I have ideas for both. But anyways comment '😉' if you want Dom!Connor first and comment '😊' if you want Sub!Connor first(I'll be taking a tally of the votes). Just to be clear this is the next one I'm writing not posting. It may be one or two oneshots later before you see the smut one come up. Anyways don't forget to vote on which you want! Love you guys so much!

Connor x Reader Oneshots ((COMPLETE))
FanfictionHi! I'm Ads, the writer sent by wattpad. Lol anyways, this is a oneshot book for oneshots of one of my new favorite bois. Connor is great and you can pry that from my cold dead hands. I hope you enjoy the book!