Sorry i haven't update any of my fanatics lately. I truly have no excuse I just forgot it existed. so on that note i should be updating the others soon as well. Thanks for waiting and enjoy.
Amelia's P.O.V.
I put my shoes on and ran out of the little cabin and back to my house. I didn't realize I was sobbing until I stopped at the door to catch my breath. Once I had my breathing controlled, as controlled as I could get it while sobbing, I opened the door and walked in.
"Welcome home, honey. How was your meet up?" My mom asked happily before turning around to face me."Hey, what's wrong?" He said while hugging me which made me cry more.
"I fell asleep at the hid out and I had a bad dream and now your gonna hate me." I said between sobs.
"ok, well it can't be that bad that I'll hate you, but let's sit down and I'll get your father. Then we can talk about it." He said as he lead me to the living room to sit on the couch. As I was sitting down I heard my mom call for my dad from the bottom of the steps."Levi! We need you down"
"Why" my dad yelled back probably from their bedroom.
"It's with Amelia, we have a predicament." My mom yelled up before joining me in the living room. Not long after I heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs.
"What's the problem?" He said as he turned the corner into the living room."Hey what's wrong?" He asked as he saw the state I was in. He slowly walked over the the couch I was sitting on and sat next to me. After sitting he looked at my mom with a questioning look to which he got a shrug in return. He then pulled me into a hug which caused me to cry again.(Amelia is a very emotional person, poor thing.)
"Is it Owen?" My mom asked as he set his hand on my knee.
"What?!? NO!! I mean no, I'm fine mom. It's that i had a dream." I said looking away.
"What was this dream about?" My dad asked. I thought about what to tell them until I finally decided not to tell them the full story.
"I made a mistake, a very stupid mistake and you guys hated me for that mistake. You hated me so much you kicked me out and everyone else hated me as well. I was alone and it was terrible." I said crying again.
"Oh, honey we would never hate you." My mom said hugging me.
"Yeah even if you were pregnant at 16." My dad said ruffling my hair.
"What?? How did you know that was the mistake in my dream??" I asked whipping my tears.
"Fathers instincts" My mom said.
"No, those are almost the exact same words your mother used to indirectly tell me he was pregnant with you and Alex." My dad said smiling.
"really?" My mom asked looking confused.
"yes, your were very flustered and asked me not to hate you." my dad said laughing. At this point I'm laughing with dad and mom is just sitting there confused.
"I guess I'm more like mom then I thought." I said standing up." Well, I gotta go I sorta left Owen and Millie at the hide out alone, And you know what happens when they're alone." I said giggleing.
"I swear if they break the cabin again they are rebuilding it this time." My dad said as he walked up the stairs to continue his cleaning.
"Don't get hurt separating them and have fun." My mom said from the doorway to the kitchen.
"I'll try not to, bye" I said before running out of the house with a big smile on my face.
I hope you enjoyed I wrote most of it in school about a month ago. So it might be different writing through out the chapter but i sill hope it was good. I will trying to update my other stories later when I have a chance. I am gonna start working at a fair soon so that might get in the way. But thanks for reading.

Safe and Sound
FanfictionThis story takes place after all the titans are killed and the war is won. Since the survey Corps is no longer needed everyone settles down and has a family. This story follows Amelia Ackerman, Levi and Eren's daughter, and her journey in the milita...