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I walked into the hall and once again, all eyes were on me. My life can be summed up into one word, tired. Tired of living with all that I live with. I am that girl who doesn't have any friends because nobody bothers to try. That's okay it is easier to be alone than to get hurt. Well, hurt by others that is. I am my own worst enemy and that right there is the truth. I cant stand to look in the mirror because my own reflection makes me sick. The scars up and down my legs and arms aren't anyones doing but my own. Everyday, I pretend everything is fine and nobody seems to notice. I am just that freak that roams the halls avoiding eye contact at all costs.

The freak that tried to commit suicide for the 3rd time this week. I guess news travels fast, YAY, not. 

Whenever I walk the halls, all I hear are the whispers obviously talking about me and the occasional "slut" or "tramp" and my favorite, "try again." 

I don't mind because I got used to it over the years, you are kind of forced to. First it just started off with my boyfriend abusing me, then it got worse. Needless to say I stood up for myself which resulted in him getting a black eye. Then he made up some kinky story about what I did with him in bed. He said there was multiple guys involved, typical town douchebag.

It wasn't much and then I started getting harrassed. I tried turning to anyone I knew my 'friends' they all just abandoned me. My mother isn't much help because she is always on business. Then it just got worst after I attempted suicide and failed. My last friend whom I told, she spread it around, go figure.

Then a lot of stories were made up about me and here I am, sitting alone at lunch. I dont blame them I look like a scarecrow on crack. I have dark black hair with purple streaks and dark black eyes. My wardrobe consists of combat boots, black shirts, and obviously black ripped up skinny jeans. My name is Alexa or Lex for short, unless you are in my town I am known as the 'town freak.' Welcome to my hell hole of a life.

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