After about an hour of swimming around, we got out, changed into our pajamas, and started setting up camp.
"I'm gonna go look for some wood. I'll be right back." I say to Tyler.
"Okay, don't take too long." He reminds. I stick my tongue out and start walking down the path to where we store some logs of wood while Tyler clears our spot for the blankets. Tyler and I both agree that camping is much more fun if you get to sleep under the stars next to a campfire.
Does Ashley like me or is she just messing around with me?
Do I like her? Who am I kidding, I'm madly in love with her.
I wonder what she was going to tell me before we went swimming.
She seems nervous when she's around me.
Has she been eating lately? She looks awful skinny...
All these questions are bouncing around in my head that I didn't even notice Ashley coming back with firewood. "Ty, you okay?" She asks placing the logs next to the pit.
"What? Yeah, I was just thinking." I was thinking. About her.
"Thinking about what?"
"What did you want to tell me earlier? Before we went swimming?" I ask dodging her question with mine.
"Oh, um, well lets get the fire and blankets set up then I'll tell you." She says quietly. Why is she suddenly so quiet? Is it bad?
"Okay." I walk over to her and help her make a little tipi in the little metal pit. We light the fire and take out our big comforters and pillows. After we get comfortable on the ground, I wrap my arm around Ashley's waist, trying to get closer to her. "So what's on your mind princess?"
"So what's on your mind princess?" He asks.
"Well Tyler, I-," I paused because I started to feel my eyes get glossy from how scared I was. Tyler takes my hand and entwined our fingers.
"It's okay baby, take your time." He cooed into my ear while rubbing circles in my back trying to calm me down. Surprisingly it worked.
"I like you. A lot. Ever since freshman year, I've had a crush on you. The way you just look out for me even when you're day is worse than mine. The way you say the littlest thing and it brightens up my day one thousands times better than what it was before. Whenever you call me princess, it makes me feel like you mean it more than just a little inside joke that we made when we were kids. I completely understand if you don't feel the same way about me, it wouldn't surprise m-" I was interrupted by Tyler smashing his lips onto mine. Our lips moved in sync. His hands cupped my face as I smiled more into the kiss. I could feel Tyler smile too. I slowly pull away and look at him with wide eyes. "W-what was that?"
"Something I've been wanting to do since freshman year." He smiled and kissed my nose causing me to irrupt in a fit of giggles. "And that is what I've been missing for quite sometime too."
"My laugh?" I ask confused.
"Yeah, you're cute little giggles always made me smile."
"Really? I think my laugh is annoying and squeaky." I say scrunching up my nose.
"No, the squeaking makes you a thousand times cuter." Tyler leans up and kisses my forehead. "Come on babe lets sleep. The fire will go out soon." I nodded and laid down fully on the ground. I felt an arm snake over my waist pulling me closer to Tyler kissing the back of my head.
"Goodnight prince." I whisper.
"Goodnight princess."He says. I feel my eyes get heavy. "I love you." I chose not to acknowledge the last thing he said and soon I'm in a deep sleep, dreaming about Tyler.

He's My Best Friend.
Teen FictionTyler and Ashley are best friends, but dose their friendship change after a camping trip? Find out! :)