"What's that you're listening to?" The stranger curiously asked, pulling an earbud out of your ear then carefully placing it into his ear.
You just scoffed at the boy and ignored him. Jimin giggled to himself and began to hear the music, clearly enjoying the song by one of your favorite K-POP band.
"You listen to EXO?" Jimin asked, scrunching his face up.
"I love EXO. If you don't like it, give this back." You removed the earbud from his ear and placed it back in yours.
If he didn't like it, he didn't need to listen.
"I do love EXO." Jimin defended, stealing your earphone again. "Not in a gay way, though."
"Really, who's your bias?" You questioned sarcastically, he boy getting on your last nerves. How dare he bother you in the first place?
Jimin thought for a moment before remembering his younger sister go on about some guy named Xiumin from EXO, while you weren't really expecting his answer.
"Xiumin? Really, why?" You quizzed Jimin again, finding it cute that he was fumbling with his small fingers because of nervousness.
He didn't know much about EXO so he kept looking up and stuttering on his words.
"W-what do you think I like about him?"
Jimin's face was of an innocent boy who was asked to give a presentation. He was sort of afraid he might answer your questions wrong.
"Well, you both are small," You spoke, the boy beside you's cheeks beginning to blush a shade of roses. "and cute."
Jimin cockily grinned. "I must be cuter."
"And why's that?" You asked raising a brow at Jimin, his grin only expanding.
My god, the boy's visuals.
"You haven't even noticed that I had stolen your headphones." Jimin chuckled, leaving you to search around for any sight of your earphones.
"Where are they, you punk?" You were slightly ticked off because those earphones were your extremely special ones that you had purchased from freaking apple for thirty freaking bucks.
"Where's your honorifics?" He smirked, making you mad to your head, grabbing the collar of his shirt.
"You can't possibly be older than me with that childish attitude." You answered, shaking your head.
Jimin gave you a look that said, "Don't test me."
"Fine." You groaned, clearing your throat. "Oppa, where did have you placed my earbuds?"
"That's better." He smiled, removing your earbuds from his pocket and placing one in yours while he put the other in his once more.
"You're still listening with me?" You asked in disbelief, the boy nodding.
"Let me put on a song." He spoke, taking your phone into his small hands.
Small and cute, what a combination.
The song played, it's first time filling your ears.
It was beautiful.
"I like it." You admitted, a small smile forming on your lips.
"Mhm." Jimin mumbled.
You caught glance of the title as you read it out loud. "Let's Not Fall In Love."
"Well, I don't know about you but I can't stop myself." Jimin glanced at his shoes, his answer to you retelling the title shocking you, but you just laughed it off.
"I don't even know your name."
"But I Need U." Jimin was confusing you now.
You just met the boy twenty minutes ago. Is he okay?
"Huh?" You wondered out loud, Jimin typing up a new song into your phone.
"Do you know BTS?" He asked to which you shook your head to. "Okay, this is I Need U by BTS."
As the song started, you were already in love, the intro pulling you into the fandom.
You bet you could play that on the piano.
"Oh, this is Suga-hyung's part." Jimin was a little too excited that he gave off a weird impression.
"Are you gay for that idol?" You questioned out of curiosity, immediately covering your mouth after the words had slipped out of your mouth.
"He's my hyung. If anything, I'm an idol, too."
"Sure." Jimin threw you an offended expression.
"I am—"
"Gay." You finished for him, laughing to yourself for your own joke, the boy beside you not finding anything funny at all.
"For you, yeah, I must be."
Now, it was your turn to be offended.
"I'm a girl." Another boy came running in both of your direction, his bunny smile could be seen as he neared you two.
"Oh yeah? Prove it."
"Oppa, it's a pleasure to meet you." You greeted the boy that had paused in front of Jimin and was glaring at you now.
"Jiminie-ssi, who's this?" The bunny smiled boy questioned, confusion running through his face.
"I'm your hyung, Jungkookie." Jimin was tucked off, in a playful way. "Why do you keep calling me that?"
"Because your height is so freaking small." Jungkook giggled, ready to dash after he had insulted Jimin.
You laughed to yourself as Jimin began to kick Jungkook, who was avoiding the kicks successfully.
That was all until you woke up.
Just a short story I wrote while listening to some Got7 piano covers.
I played around a lot with this story, lol.

Short Storyshort stories regarding the beautiful angels. requests are closed. • • • ✶ morklala 2017 [completed]