Tear (Namjoon)

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  Namjoon felt like the biggest fuck up on the face of the earth. He felt like breaking up with you was the best option but in reality, it was the worst thing he had ever done. He saw you had already moved on in the few days after he had ended things and he wasn't even over you yet. He felt like he had nothing without you. Would you ever consider taking him back? Probably not. Not after he tossed you away like a piece of trash. At least that's how he felt. One man's trash is another man's treasure, he supposed. 

  Namjoon sat in the bar unable to stomach the beer and four vodka shots he had already paid for. He watched as you sat on another man's lap and kissed him. His heart hurt watching the scene but he knew he had hurt you more. All of this was just payback for tearing out your heart. The tear in your heart and the tears falling from your eyes echoed in his mind and he wanted to take it all back. He wanted to erase time to change his one true fear.

  The fear of losing you completely...

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