So let's get the updates on conversations out of the way because they're the more important thing to mr.
Pip: Last talked yesterday, though unlikely we'll chat again in the near future because I'm a fucking loser
Azure, second person I talked about before: Still hasn't responded after over a month, saddening because he was a great person to roleplay with
Person 3: Won't say name because they're on this website and I don't want to make it seem like I'm needy, last message I sent was a bit over 3 months ago, yet I don't know if they even like me anymore
Nick: I have never talked about him, but this guy is an amazing close friend. I met him on Miiverse in around 2012, and I consider him to be one of the best friends I've ever had... But, we slowly drifted away. Until sometime around late last year, we started to talk again on Discord. But, one day, he vanished. And I fear the worst thing, he killed himself. And I have no way of knowing because no one has seen him since the end of January. It just makes me sad, seeing a great friend, a great kid, gone like that.
Now just for the regular rant. Does anyone even bother with reading these? It somehow had 69 reads (nice) yet no one bothers trying to help or say anything. The last time it was viewed was when I made a song, so songs sound like the only time people care, but even then, the thing I made just for songs is ignored. What is wrong with me? What makes it so that no one wants to read these?