Mixed Messages

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Rin's POV

(Disclaimer: All songs used are purely for entertainment. I do not own any parts of the music used)

I never shared a room with my long-term boyfriend while we were on tour. His hands liked to wander and I was losing patience with him. He knew three years ago, when I was 14, that I had no interest in having sex until I was certain that I was ready.

He had an adjoining room to my suite. His sister shared the room with me. We had formed a band and taken off shortly after my 15th birthday. This was our first tour out of the country. I toss and turn, something seemed to be off. I sit up and turn the bedside light on. Sango grumbles in her sleep before turning away from the light.

My phone buzzes and it's a text from Kohaku. 

 Kohaku: I'm pretty sure Rin is sleep by now, come to my room and we can finish what you started earlier ;)

I look at the screen and blink a few times. I'm praying this text isn't what I think it is. He cannot be cheating on me, we'd been together for so long. Granted I was two years younger than he was... 

I bite my lip as tears threaten to fall from my eyes. This cannot be happening. Just this morning we were discussing when would be an appropriate time to get engaged. Did he even mean it? Did I even mean anything to him? 

I push the thoughts from my mind. I'd confront him tomorrow after the concert tomorrow night. I pray, for his sake more than mine, that he has a good explanation. I get and grab my song journal. I just didn't know how to feel right now.

My mind swarms with emotions and words. I hold back tears. My song journal had already caught too many.

Singers and Sinners(A Sessh/Rin fic)Where stories live. Discover now