"You are incorrect again, Dr. Jackson. I don't have feelings. You always seem to forget that I am a machine." He said monotonously.
Diamond hesitated, her brow furrowing.
"Yes, but some androids are known to develop consciousness." She combatted bac...
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A thick blanket of silence woodshed over the room as Diamond stepped inside. Conner followed closely behind, feeling the temperature drop even more to a staggering 57 degrees Fahrenheit.
There was no more than ten people in the room, all aligned alongside an extended table. They looked to be in a male-female pattern with a older man at the very front of the table.
Conner's observing orbs locked on him.
Conner recognized the man at the fron of the room as "Mr.Blue" , Diamond's boss. He was also the cause of her rocketing stress rate. The man was a tall one, reaching six foot five. Just five inches taller than himself. The man's hair was slicked back and shiny with gel. The color of the slick strands were a dark brown, damn near black, with grey streaks here and there. His eyes were a striking blue, almost more vivid than Conner's LED.
A large smirk snaked a way to Mr. Blue's face. Again, it wasn't the sweet ones that Diamond gave him, no. What was up with these humans? Isn't the smile supposed to indicate good intentions and pleasure? Conner felt his LED turn yellow as Diamond's slipped off the door. Conner caught the closing door, and stepped inside, closing it softly behind him.
He stood up straight with his hands behind his back as Diamond gripped her briefcase.
The older man clasped his large hands together as a deep chuckle left his lips.
"Ms. Jackson. So glad to see you back. I noticed you bright something else with you." He started. The man's icy irises landed on the android.
Diamond bit the inside of her cheek and forced a shaky smile on her lips.
"I-it's good to be back." She said, her voice trembling a bit. "Sir." She said quickly, her chocolate orbs glancing over the cold stares she got from around the room.
He motioned to an empty seat to the right of him.
"Come sit. Bring the android with you."
Diamond glanced at the android behind her before hesitantly walking over to her boss. She sat down and cleared her throat, placing her briefcase on the table. Conner of course followed her to the front of the room, hands still behind his back.
Diamond started explaining the physics and the work that went into making the newest android. Conner learned that Cyberlife only provided her with tools and the broken pieces of a bare endoskeleton to create him. His programs, detabase, and other equipment she had to find by herself. Her voice shook as she spoke, but there was no doubt in his artificial mind that she was a very intelligent woman.