He shoots, he scores, and you all cry

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I'm sorry...
"I'm going! I'm going!" He says. We're dead, there's no way the cops won't get to us now.

The engine then turns on. And then we're off. We zoom off quickly. It was just Me, Jace, Jonathan, Alec and Magnus in the car. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" A cop yells. We don't stop. He holds up his gun and starts firing. Jace quickly pulls me down to the floor of the trunk as the cops keep firing. Finally Jonathan swerves to the right. I get up. To see if anyone's hurt.

As Alec Lightwood saw his boyfriend on the floor, his stomach sank. "Magnus," He says in shock. He slowly drops to the ground.
"Alec.." he gasps. Alec then noticed the bullet in his left shoulder.
"Magnus...Magnus stay with me," Alec says as he clasps his hand. "DO SOMETHING!" Alec yells at Jace and Clary. Clary grabs her beanie and presses it to Magnus's shoulder.
"C'mon Mags," Clary whispers. He sighs and pulls Alec in close.
"Alec...I love you so much, I wanted to have a forever with you, get married, have kids,"
"Shut up! We will have those things! Stop acting like you're gonna die!" Alec yells.
"Alec, baby....please," Magnus says. Tears running down his cheeks. "I love you." Magnus says.
"I love you too," Alec says as he kisses his boyfriend. Clary's stomach sinks as she feels Magnus's heartbeat fade and eventually stop. She takes her beanie off his wound and looks down at the floor. "Why did you stop?!" Alec asks, tears running down his face.
"He's gone," I murmur.

As Clary said those words I felt my life stop. He can't be gone! I'm not ready for him to be gone! I'm not! He can't leave me! I love him. Tears fall down my face. I grab Magnus and pull him towards me. I cry into my boyfriends shirt. "No!" I sob. We suddenly stop.
"Alec..." Clary says. And I know what her tone means. We have to bury him. Jonathan gets out of the car.
"What happened?" Jonathan asks. He then see's Magnus's body. "Shit," Jonathan grabs Magnus's body lightly. We walk into the woods, Clary grabs a big stone and starts carving it as Jace starts digging a hole with Jonathan. Magnus's body was gently on the autumn leaves. I gently brush his hair and start cleaning his fresh blood. I clean his smudged make up. Tears keep falling down my cheeks. Clary sets the rock in front of the grave.

Magnus Bane
You are an immortal being in our hearts

The hole was done, and I carefully fill it with autumn leaves. Magnus always said he loved Autumn, especially it's leaves. I carefully lay Magnus down on the bed of leaves. I kiss Magnus for the last time. Tears fall down my cheeks. I grab his face again and kiss him harder. "I love you," I whisper. We burry Magnus. We get back in the car and look for an abandoned house. We find one quickly and go inside.

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