Aerospace I - Martian Fields

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Martian Fields 1

Gordon Best

This is a story from my own imagination. The quotes are from good sources and my spiritual belief is strong. But much of what happens is just a speculation. Science Fiction. These stories do well from my heart.

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Minya Peters here. A child of Mars with one of many stories from the first 100 years of settlement. My five younger brothers have their own tales to tell. And their children add many more.

All years mentioned are Earth years.

Chapter 0 : Peace

Psalm 37

9. For evildoers will be destroyed,

but they who hope in the Lord shall possess the land.

A little while, and the wicked will be no more;

look well, and you will find their place is empty.

But the humble shall possess the land

and enjoy untold prosperity...

The Lord knows each day of the good man's life,

and his inheritance shall last for ever.

When times are bad, he shall not be distressed,

and in days of famine he shall have enough.

But the wicked shall perish...

The big story of the 21st century is the return of Christ as the Lord of Lords. But you could look about the Earth and miss it. You have to turn your eyes away from the cities, the blasted regions, where cities once were and look really close at certain inuit and native centres. And then there is Iceland. But that is another story.

Here on Mars, we are the product of early acceptance of God's government on Earth and elsewhere. It was the south wall Plato colony on Luna, that first became a big learning and teaching centre for both the Earth and the settlement of Mars.

My parents arrived on Mars as vital and strong young believers. With faith comes knowledge and smarts. They and the people they accompanied on the eighth wheelship from the Moon, were very knowledgeable and creative. You have to be fast on your feet out here.

I enjoyed their stories of when the study classes started in the Plato habitats of Luna. How it all became clear to them that there is no room to succeed, if your government does not function well. The Moon colony from early times, changed and pushed the formation of a new government as suggested by the recent Messenger.

Doris and Ally, the moon colony progenitors, stepped back and encourged the first elections.

We still find it working well. Our communities or units vary from 4400 to 45,000 here on Mars. That is about the limit for a self governing unit of such diverse peoples.

Free elections every two years, secret ballots, 9 member councils. These councils elect a regional council and they appoint delegates to elect a national or overall council for Green Valley.

We believe in God and accept good belaviour from everyone. There are certain over-arching laws and other regulations because it is the instructions from the Kingdom and it works.

We are the workers for one physical kingdom in the solar system. A spiritual light shining through all. This includes Mercury, Mars, the Moon and two dozen dome nations about the Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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