One Shot - II

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This one shot is inspired by song 'Demons ~ Imagine Dragons'


  It was painful everything  around him was haunting .Losing his elder sister was nothing  worse he could have even imagined . That was her 4th death anniversary  . In the whole world it was only her who never thought  him as demon . She believed him . But she left him . And he was sitting in her room in a corner  blaming himself  for everything  that happened  to his Di. 

She was his elder sister , mother, best friend , best advicer,  philosopher , everything  . His world revolved around him and his around her. But she was dead . He cried a lot shouted in pain, asking her to come back . Apologised for every wrong  deed monster inside  him made him do. She saw everything  from a distance  so she sent an angle in his life and asked him to keep her with him.

Today was that day again when the siblings  where crying in pain. She could see him . Every night he cried himself  to sleep, every time he tried to harm himself she appeared in front  of him. Every time he achieved  success  she appeared . Every  time  he would walk towards her to hug her and cry she would disappear.  She knew if she goes back he won't let her go . Not that time, never.

Suddenly  door opened wide their she was his angle sent by his Di.  She got happy seeing the angle. His wife and his love. She got relieved she knew now only she can support him and console him . On other hand the girl saw her love in a corner with his knees folded to his chest buggy his Di's  photo  crying continuously  mumbling  sorry which was clearly heard in the silent room. She had never seen him that broken in her  6 months of marriage.

She ran near him and sat on fer knees keeping her hands on his shoulders. She made him look at her . He got starled  seeing her in front of him. He had hurt her a lot hoping she would leave one day , pushed her a lot so that his monster won't  hurt her like he did to his Di. He never let him see him broken he cried every time she cried he hurt himself every time she was hurt. But little did he knew other than his Di she was only one pacifying his monster bringing him back to his true self . Helping him throw monster out.

It was killing  her seeing him in that state. Unknowingly  her hand went near his face . She caressed  it and wiped tears which were flowing continously through his eyes. He looked into her eyes and felt all loved. He hugged her tightly  with his face resting on her shoulders  and said , "I killed her. She is gone now . I won't be able to see my Di ever again why . What did she do wrong that she suffered ? Why not me? Why am I even living  . It should have been me dead there not her . She was an angle and me monster. I am . She is not even letting  me die. Why Di ? " Saying so he broke the hug took Photo in one hand and her hand in other
"Why ?  Why can't  I die Di?  Why can't  I end this pain? Do you hate me so much that you love seeing me in pain. What's left  to live ?"  She couldn't  hear more . Her husband  was talking to kill himself so she kept her hand on his mouth . He looked at her amused.

She shook her bead in no and  said, "Their much left to live.  She doesn't  hate you . She wants you to live happy , she wants you to get this monster I nosed you dead not you. You are very precious  darling . You are not monster theirs a demon inside everyone  it just it sometimes  rules you making you feel like a monster. You Di always lived for you . She always thought  about you out and how to help you . You will have to live if not for yourself then for us . For her. She must be watching  you from afar. You want her  to cry by seeing  this condition  of yours ?" She asked and unknowingly  a tear escaped her eyes he took his hand near her face wiped her tear and nodded  no cupping her right cheek with his right hand . She smiled but her smiled faded seeing he was going back to blame himself  when. He turned his head at photo said, " Did you see her Di . She is angle sent by you isn't she ? Why Di why did you  sent her , she is too good for me just like you . I hurt her so many times but still she is by my side. I thought she might leave at least when I push her but no. "  Then he turned his head back to his wife and said coldly increasing his hold on her hand  "Why Don't you leave hmm? Why ? Why you want to stay with a husband who is nit less than monster why? "

She flinched  a bit at sudden change in his voice and sudden pain she felt on her hand  .  He laughed bitterly and said caressing  her cheeks again, "Please Leave please. I don't want to hurt you not u , I won't  be able to survive for something happens to you.  This is all for you please" he requested.  But she looked straight into his eyes and bent ahead . Next thing she did shocked him.

She kissed his lips. He was numb he didn't  knew what to do but he immediately  responded . She smiled on his lips feeling  them.  Her lips felt like heaven escape from the he'll he was experiencing.  She broke kiss I patter few minutes and again looked in his eyes and said.  "Never I am leaving you . I know your demon is hurting  I won't  let it hurt my husband like that. We will together lying defeat him. You said your di sent me right yes she did . So to help you and not leave you and remember  I love you and nothing can change it. I know even you do so . So please don't push me. Please. "

He couldn't help but melt at her words. He hugged her and kissed her forehead  many times. She placed her head on his shoulder and inhaled his scent . He looked in front when he saw a figure lime his Di when she spoke to her younger brother,  " Don't  push her chotu  I have sent sent her for you. Fight your inner demon and now she will help you in Yorkshire war. Please stay happy and dont cry please . Just do it for your your do you are not demo. You and re my child you and are my angle you and are good being don't hurt youself . Just don't please your your Di?  Please????"  And she disappeared.  He sat their spellbound with his love  in his arms.

He turned his head down  towards his lady in his arms, ' I'll Di I won't let her go. I won't push her Di I won't commit same mistakes again. I'll fight my inner demons I'll try my level best just be here with me. Watch me and appear in front of like this . Please. '. He promised his Di . And whispered in his wife's ears"Yes I love you from a long time. I am sorry for whatever I did and for whatever you went through. But Don't leave me please"

She was happy very Happy hearing his confession. She hugged him more tightly and they stayed in same position for few minutes feeling warm in each other's arms. Feeling contented . Feeling safe.


Bye ❤

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