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SPOOKED Picture book text
Oh yeh, call me a scaredy cat, I'll show you that I'm not that. You're here now, day turns to night. A watchful moon shines full and bright. It's many hours till a rising sun. Don't be scared, this should be fun. You don't believe in ghosts now do you? All that mumbo jumbo don't fool you. Things that go bump in the night. Takes more than that to give you a fright, right? Go on then, run straight ahead, through rows of past and present dead. Forgive me, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm only trying to prepare you. Why are you whistling that terrible tune? This will all be over soon. Yes, I know you are not frightened, it's just, your grip on that stick, it seems to have tightened. Night cry of a wounded hound, squeaking bats, an eerie sound. Laughing now for fear has won, praying for a ray of sun. With fear-filled eyes you look around, to find there's no one to be found. Trees begin to shake and twist, then something grabs you by the wrist . . . Sorry? Why did I recite those lines. Well it just helped to pass the time. Cemeteries are such boring places. All those names with long gone faces. It's not so bad. Not so frightening. There isn't even any lightening. Oh dear, I think I spoke too soon. When did those clouds pass the moon? The night begins to cry a rain. You only have yourself to blame. You told them it would be a snack. To late now for turning back. What's that noise? No, it's not an owl. Owls my friend, they do not howl. One deep breath, don't lose your head, it was probably just the walking dead. Oh, you don't believe in zombies, that's right. Well who's that ahead, in the dead of night? Quick, this way, I don't think he saw you, but I do think he is looking for you. I think you might be safer here. Don't make a sound, he could be near. You're nearly there, I see a gate? It's your exit from this frightening date. Was that someone calling your name? You had better move it just the same. I thought that this place wouldn't scare you. You wouldn't have done it if they didn't dare you. What's that! You think you'll do it again. You're braver than I thought my friend. Tell me, what has changed your mind? Oh, you won't be taking me next time.