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✽+†+✽ Drina grinned to herself as she drove behind the cowboys and their horses.

* * *

Beau looked down into Kaylee's dark brown eyes, and smiled. "Does your sister always get ticked that quick and is she always bossy?" he asked conspiratorially to her.

Drina called out from the drivers seat of the SUV, "I am not bossy!" she snapped.

Kaylee grinned, shrugged and nodded. She surprised Beau when she relaxed and leaned back against his chest and whispered. "Yeah, she is sometimes, but it's been a lot worse lately... it's... it's not much fun being with the band anymore. But, please don't tell her I said that, she really does take good care of us, and wants us to be happy.  And, I don't want to hurt her feelings."

"Don't worry sweetheart, that'll be our secret." He assured her. "Sooo..."

* * *

The rest of their conversation was lost to Drina when the cowboy gently touched his heels to Kitt's sides and they rode ahead. She watched the two as she followed and was amazed at how often she saw Kaylee talk and laugh and turn to look up at the cowboy. She smiled and settled back against the seat.

'This whole thing is worth it just to see that smile reach Kaylee's eyes again. I'll really try to relax and make it good for them.'

Drina looked up to the small picture of her mom and step-dad that she kept on the sun visor. 'Thanks for the dream idea guys, with your help and God's guidance, the three of us will be okay.' She kissed her fingers and lovingly touched the picture.

Upon reaching the stables, she followed the cowboy's directions up an asphalt lane and parked the SUV. Two cowboys immediately began loading the luggage in a pick-up and pointed to the cabin that would be her family's home for the next three months. She walked over to the barn lot where Ben was parking the horse trailer. Not far from the corral Topper was lifting Kaylee down from the saddle as Beau remained seated.

Drina chuckled as she watched her sister chat animatedly with the two men while gently petting Kitt's soft nose. When the animal nuzzled her shoulder, Kaylee burst into giggles, rewarding the white miracle with tender strokes along its long neck. She quickly removed her large hat before it could be knocked off and returned it to Topper.

The big man knelt down, and tilted his head slightly so the child could place the Stetson back where it belonged. With a playful wink, he stood up, and adjusted the hat to his liking.

Drina watched as Beau and her little sister continued their lively conversation, they moved to stand beside Drina, the warmth of their camaraderie which seemed to brighten the moment.

"Did you see me, Drina?" Kaylee was almost jumping up and down excitedly. "Once we started moving I wasn't scared. I didn't freeze up or panic. Now, I can pet him and stand right next to him and, and it feels really good. I think I'm ready to ride by myself now. Really and truly I do."

She grabbed her older sister's hand and held it in both her own. "Thank you for bringing us here."

Kaylee was ecstatic about her new found courage and confidence and Drina was struck again by the feeling that they had indeed been led to the ranch, for all their sakes.

"Yes, I did see you and I am so very proud of you, it's not easy facing a fear that strong, but you did. I'm so glad you're having a good time already." She said and hugged her young sister to her side.

She looked over Kaylee's head and mouthed; 'Thank you,' to Beau.

* * *

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Beau touched the brim of his hat in cowboy speak. He mouthed, 'My pleasure.'

He placed his hand on the girl's small shoulder, "She did just fine. We'll make a cowgirl of her in no time. In fact," he rubbed his chin thoughtfully; "I think I know just the right geldin' for her. Totally trained, real calm, good bloodlines..."

He nodded to himself, "Topper is beginnin' to use him with my youngest sister, Ava. He's good with her, but I think she may need something a little bit smaller."

Kaylee's eyes widened, "Do you really think I could, Mister Blanton?"

He smiled and ran the back of his fingers down her cheek. "It's Beau, hon and yeah, I think he'll be perfect for you. We'll bring him out and see what he says. You see, we let our horses guide us as to which rider is right. You'd be surprised how correct they can be. For example, I didn't choose Kitt. He chose me."

"What's the horse's name? When can I see him?"

"Hmm." He frowned. "Ya know, I'm not sure he has a name yet. If he doesn't and you two get along, that can be your first job. Comin' up with a name that fits."

As they were absorbed in their conversation, Ben and Riley had gone inside the large trailer, and began the process of unloading the horses. Riley led her mare out and was followed by Ben with his gelding. They were met by another cowboy who led them to a fenced in area to stretch and enjoy some exercise after being locked up. Drina stepped in next and began talking to Odin.

"Hey, Odin, my big, beautiful boy," she crooned.

Beau raised his eyebrows, and looked at Kaylee, "Odin? As in one of the Norse gods?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah," Kaylee said, "Drina's into all that Thor and Loki stuff."

"Really?" He leaned closer, "She doesn't wear any of those Xena type outfits does she?"

Kaylee slapped a hand over her mouth in a vain attempt to hide a giggle. Having just rejoined them, Ben and Riley tried to hide their amusement at the remark, but lost themselves in laughter instead.

"I heard that. And the answer is no." Came from inside as Drina stepped onto the trailer ramp and glared at the four of them.

Beau enjoyed watching Kaylee's eyes sparkle as she continued to giggle. He couldn't wait to get her and Ava together. He thought they would make a good match. Odin's head appeared and Beau stared as Drina led the beautiful blue roan gelding out and away from the trailer.

When he began to step toward the impressive animal Drina imperiously put her hand out

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When he began to step toward the impressive animal Drina imperiously put her hand out. "Don't come any closer." She warned, "He doesn't tolerate men."

* * *

Beau simply smiled, nodded and slowly put his hand out toward the horse. Drina was about to order him back again when Odin stretched his neck and sniffed at the offered hand. Drina watched in amazement as Odin closed the distance and preceeded to snuff at Beau's hand and then nuzzled the man's neck.

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now