Ch. 7: Varrick's Adventure and Dinner

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Asami stirred from her slumber. "Ah, you're awake!" Korra exclaimed when Asami's green  eyes fluttered open. She looked up at Korra  and a blush came on her cheeks as she fought to stay conscious. "What is your name?" Korra asked Asami. Asami opened her mouth to say 'Asami' but no sound came out. She tried again, but the same result. She can't speak, so she can't be the girl who saved me... Korra thought sadly as the girl tried one more time to say her name. Asami had a look of defeat on her face that made Korra's heart go out to her. She wanted to say something to comfort her, but did not know what. She looked so helpless and sad that it hurt Korra's heart.

"Prince Korra, where did you find her?" Katara decided to ask.

"On the beach." Sh replied looking up from Asami whom she still held.

"Well, this is just a guess, but she is draped in a sail. She might have been in a shipwreck, and that traumatic experience must have made her lose her voice." Katara thought aloud. Asami looked up at the woman. "Is that what happened, Dear?" Asami blinked at Katara a couple of times. Okay well I can't really tell them how I lost my voice, so I guess I'll just agree with the whole shipwreck thing. That story will probably work to my benefit, and I'll be able to stay with Korra. Asami thought. She nodded and a look of compassion came on Katara's face. "Oh you poor thing! That must have been a traumatic experience! Were there any survivors? If there was we could go look for them." Katara was trying to be helpful. Korra nodded with a determined look on her face. She was willing to help the beautiful girl find her friends and family.

AH! THEY CAN'T SEARCH THE OCEAN! THEY MIGHT FIND KYA AND BUMI! Okay, Asami, shake your head 'No'. Asami obeyed her thoughts and Katara and Korra looked so sad. "Oh you poor thing! I can see why you lost your voice! Here come with me. I'll take you to Pema and she will take care of you. Asami smiled weakly at the woman's kindness. "Oh, by the way, I am Katara, and this is Zuko." Katara said when Zuko came back while rubbing the cheek Katara had punched. Asami giggled softly at the two advisors' antics which made Korra laugh too. "Korra, she can walk you know?" Katara said smugly to get Korra back about laughing at her. Korra blushed lightly with the realization that she still held her, and that she did not want to put her down, but she reluctantly did as she was told. Asami stumbled a bit when she attempted to walk, but Korra caught her.

"You okay there?" She asked concerned hoping she would say no, so she could hold her again. Asami nodded as she attempted to walk again. This time she managed to walk to Katara who guided her inside the castle to Pema. Zuko came up to Korra.

" Prince Korra, what are we going to do with her?" She asked with genuine concern. Korra looked at him before she replied.

"She will stay with us. When she can speak again we will ask her where she is from and we...will take her...back to her home." Korra answered with a professional tone in her voice. Zuko watched Korra walk inside the castle with Naga trailing behind her. Zuko sighed. Hmph, sounds like you really do not want to send her home. He he. Things just got interesting around here. Zuko thought as he too went inside the large and regal looking castle.

A Dark Brown haired woman filled Asami's tub with water when Katara and Asami, with a lavender colored robe on, entered the bathroom. "Thank-you, Pema, for preparing our guest's bath." Katara said as she handed her the rags Asami was wearing before.

"No problem. I'll just take these... 'clothes' be washed." Pema answered as she took the rags and walked out of the room. Unbeknownst to everyone, poor Varrick was still in the pocket of Asami's rags. Pema took the rags to the washing ladies who started hand washing her rags and poor Varrick as they gossiped about Asami and Korra. One of the washing ladies dropped the rags in the press room. Luckily Varrick was able to peak his head out to see his fate of being squashed like a pancake if he did not get out of the pocket now. Varrick used all his youthful power to get out of the rags and out of the pressing room before anyone spotted him.

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