What she truly feels

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She was not hideous
Everyone knows how gorgeous she is
Everyone but herself

She tries to avoid everybody
Ignoring every person's help
Pushing them away, even herself

everyday she asks
why can't she be like them?
Not cursed but blessed

Her insecurities
get harder and harsher
day by day
until it can swallow her whole

But then, he came.
Out of nowhere

Yet, she still can't afford to show her true self
for her,
she was hideous

A barrier of insecurities
block them both
and just made them love each other from afar

"How can we ever completely love ourselves?"
she suddenly asked.
Breaking the barrier between them

"No, we don't and we can't
if you can, then,
you don't need me to complete you"

For a girl,
who is full of insecurities,
will be loved by a man

Unsaid Feelings (Poetry Collection) Where stories live. Discover now