I'm in a group called The Angels that are rivals of a group called The Demons.
My group just want to save someone from the dark side.
Heavily inspired by BTS music videos of Blood, Sweat and Tears.
(06/02/2018) - 02/06/2018 - 18/10/2018
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Suga's point of view
My leader decide to wait for me with his demon form to let no human see him while I went to buy some food at a open market.
I grab this and that, until I bumped into someone who tries to take the apple I was taking first.
Me: Excuse me, I took it first. Him(Shy): Oh, sorry.
He remove his hands from my hand holding the apple. I pity that human, so I gave it to him.
Me(Hand him the apple): Here take it. Him: Oh, thank you. But I found one. Me: Okay.
Baby G's point of view
Me: I'm Sun Jiyoon.
I read his mind and he said that he pity me as a human? Why does a human pity a human? Isn't he suppose to say him?
Him: I'm Suk Yoonji. Me: Isn't that a woman's name? SYJ: Whatever. Me: I never see you here. SYJ: I do my groceries once per 2 weeks. Me: Oh, that's why.
We stare at each other than Seagull finally interrup us.
S: Hey! Hyung! Let's go home! Me: Okay! (Turn to look at him) Well, anyeong! SYJ: Bye.
I walk towards Seagull, we payed for everything and we went home.
How do we have money? We actually have a machine in our world to make ourselves a amount of human money we need.
While making dinner for everyone, Seagull enters the kitchen.
S: Hyung? Me:Ne? S: Who was that guy you were talking too? Me: Just a human that I accidentaly took his apple. S: You sure? Me: Yeah.
Since I'm in a level uper than him, Seagull doesn't have the ability to read my mind. J-Hope can read all our minds, while Young cannot read our minds.
S: Okay, I trust you.
He leave me alone in the kitchen.
Suk Yung Eun's point of view
Strangely, when I walk out of my house, Taehyung was standing right in front of my house's gate.
TH: Hey! Me: What are you doing here? TH(Interrogate face): No hello?
I didn't say anything, I walk straight, without looking at him. He rolls his eyes while bitting his bottom lips, he runs towards me, use his hands to pull me, than push me towards the post separating our house and he stands in front of me blocking me from escaping ; he places his face an inch from mine.
Me: What do you really want? TH: Just a greeting from my friend. Me: We're not friends.
He approach his face more towards mine.
TH: Than my future girlfriend.
What the?!
Me(Push him): Wow, you are going way to far.
I quickly run way towards the bus who just arrive, Taehyung enters the bus while smirking at me. How come he's taking the same bus as me today?
Arrived at school, Taehyung keeps following me.
Me: What do you really want? TH: A date with you. Me:Wae? TH: None of your business. Me: This is my business. TH(Roll his eyes): Just have a date with me. Me: No. (Walk away) TH(Screams): Don't worry, you'll say yes, soon.
I roll my eyes and just ignore him for the rest of the day.
J-Hope's point of view
Dinnertime, Baby G finished the meal, everybody is at the kitchen table eating quietly.
Me: So, Young? Y: Ne? Me: How's your mission going? Y: It's great, but I didn't have the chance to know him more. Me: Okay. (Look at Seagull, who seems strange) Seagull? S:Ne? Me: How's your training? S: It's going great, I managed to stay in between the sky and the floor, but it's a little difficult to use the strength of my wings. Me: Don't worry, you'll get used to it.
Sea looks at Baby G who is focused onto his food. So, with curiosity I decide to read their minds.
S(Mind): Why did he approach that human?
What human?
BG(Mind): Why did he think that?
I need to talk to G.
Jeon Jungkook's point of view
Me: He bothered you again? YE: Jungkook~ah. Me: No, he should not stay beside you. YE: Jungkook, please, don't go scream at him. We already have enough of their trouble. Me: He keeps asking you weird question, how I cannot leave this? HS: Jungkook!
We had the same literature class with Taehyung, who sits at the very back of the class and I really want to give him a punch.
HS: Don't do something stupid, it may be a trap. Me: Why do they even trap us? HS: They are the Demons, they're bad.
Kim Taehyung's point of view
Do they really think it's a trap? They are really estimate me too much, I actually really want to go on a date with Yung Eun.
I've been having dreams of her lately ; well, once in two or three days. When I dream of her, she's wearing a beautiful short white dress and she is always smiling at me ; not like in reality, he hates me and never smiled to me.
When class's dismissed, I wake near the members of the Angels group, I smirk at them while licking my lips and I wink at Yung Eun before I am outside of the literature class.
I heard Hoseok screaming at Jungkook again to prevent him to give me a punch. Woah~ Thanks. *smirk*
J-Hope's point of view
Me: G? BG(Stop doing the dishes): Ne? Me: Can we talk? BG: Of course.
He puts his things aside and walk towards me.
BG: What do you want to know? Me: Tell me the truth, what do you have in mind? BG: Nothing. Me: G? BG: Fine, I just came across a guy who was just bothering me. Me(Crossing my arms): When do you get bothered that easily? BG: Well, he's suspicious and I want to investigate him. Me(Nod): Sure, go ahead ; we currently have an important mission and even if it's important, we cannot lose to those (Put a fist in the air) Demons! BG: Thank you, Hope.