Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: The Party

"The meeting is off, Cassie. We can't find Harry, I'm going to introduce you to Niall and Liam right now. Come with me." I followed Paul to a loungue type room where, sure enough, sat "Craig" and the other handsome boy who must be Liam. I laughed, "Hey Craig!" He grinned back. "Good to see you again Cas, this is Liam." Liam and Paul looked at us confused, Niall and I looked at eachother and started laughing. Paul rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

"I guess I never properly introduced myself, I'm Niall." He got up and hugged me, I smiled. "And I am Liam, so nice to meet you, may I ask...who are you?" Liam got up and hugged me as well. "I'm Cassie, I guess you could say I'm an intern or something." He smiled, he seemed really sweet and lovely. "We were gonna watch an episode of Friends, want to join?" 

"Sure, I love Friends." I pretended to know what it was, I've never watched tv before.

"Hey Cas, you wanna come to a party with us tonight? I can introduce you around." Niall offered. I nodded, what's the worst that could happen?

                                                                                    * * *

The only two guys I haven't met were Louis and Zayn, Niall informed me I would be meeting them at the party. I didn't know anything about the party except that Niall would pick me up at 9, and my shitty shack of a house. I wasn't looking forward to it... I thought he might think I was pathetic or something. I was hoping that maybe this party would give me the chance to get to know the boys separately. 

I couldn't help but picture harry in my head, what was I doing? I couldn't be in any type of romantic relationship, or my cover might get blown. I still wondered about what each of the boys problems and flaws were, because from what I have seen they don't seem to have anything wrong with them. I guess I was going to have to dig pretty deep. 

I got home and took a long hot shower, shaved my legs and got into my old purple dress (the only dress I owned) and brushed my hair and waited for it to dry, considering I didn't have a hair dryer... I got my mascara out and applied a little on my long eyelashes. I looked into the mirror, "Hi Zayn and Louis! Nice to meet you! I am here to figure out what the fuck is wrong with you and help you! Yeah! Let's be best friends!" I laughed at myself. I started to get nervous as I heard a honking outside my shitbox. Shit, I thought. I walked out the door and into the car.

"hey cas, you look really nice." Niall smiled at me. I felt butterflies in my stomach, "thanks Niall, that means a lot." he turned on the radio and One Thing came on, of course, I had no idea they sang it. Niall started singing along, I laughed, "You know this song like the characters in Friends!" I joked. He laughed, "Well, we did write this! You don't know much about us do you?" I felt so embarrassed, "Oh shit, no, tell me about your career and what led you to it?" 

"Well, we didn't know EACHOTHER two years ago, we all auditioned for the X factor as solo artists, we got put into the group-and that's when one direction was born." He chuckled. His laugh was so sexy, stop it Cassie!!! 

"tell me a bit about yourself, you don't have a british accent, where ya from?" he asked. I panicked, I didn't know if I should tell him yet. I smiled, "I'm from Vancouver, Canada. I moved here when I was seventeen. The rest of my story you'll have to earn." I giggled. "Oh, mystery girl, I like it." And I like you Niall, I thought. Niall turned up a very steep street and pulled into the biggest driveway I've ever seen: then I saw the house. Glass as walls, you could see the people and the pool on the second floor. There were water fountains in the living room, I'd had never seen a house like this in my life. Then I remembered, they were pop stars, this was probably what they would consider a shack. I gasped, Niall laughed at me, "It's nothin much, our friend josh's house, he's our drummer." Niall reached to the backseat and pulled out a large bottle, I raised my eyebrows in question when he handed it to me. "This is your drink, and this is mine." he held up a larger bottle, "Let's take some shots in here so we don't go in sober, yah?" I felt sick, I hated alcohol, I hadnt ever had it but I've been around way to many people I cared about getting drunk. But this was my job, but at the same time I felt like I could share my concerns with Niall. "Umm..I haven't ever drank alcohol before..." I started. "WHATTHEFUCKAREYOUKIDDINGME?!" Niall yelled on my face. It took me by surprise, it kind of scared me. "My mom was an alcoholic, before I left." I blurted out. I regretted it the second I said it. "oh, hey look, I didn't know, you don't have to drink if ya don't want to. But if you decide to i promise I will take really good care of you." he reassured me, then he places his hand on my thigh and smiled. Damn, I liked this boy. I wondered what it was going to be like, drunk. I gave in, "Only 2 shots..." whatever shots meant. He handed me a tiny cup and filled it with the clear substance. "Cheers to your first time." he smiled as we clinked glasses together. I followed what he did and tipped the glass back and swallowed the drink. My throat burned and I coughed. "EW!" I screamed a little too loud. Niall started laughing historically, and I joined. We spent 10 full minutes just laughing our asses off in the car as we took more shots. When we stepped out of the car still laughing I felt a hand around my waist as someone came up behind me. I turned around to see Liam, "Liam!!" I smiled. Uh oh, I felt weird. I started laughing again and Niall came in front of me motioning for me to climb onto his back. I did, I couldn't help but smell his neck, he smelt so goddamn good! Liam rolled his eyes at us, "I'm the driver tonight, dont get too carried away. Cassie, be careful." Liam sounded genuine. I wondered why they Already seemed to care about me, and it made me smile. I was getting to them, but I felt everything was real, I wasn't acting like I was supposed to be. I was being myself.

"Let's go find Lou and Zayn." Niall took off into the crowded house with me on his back. I couldn't stop laughing, I hadn't had this much fun in so long, or ever. He dropped me down and grabbed my waste and pulled me closer to him, I felt my heart beating way faster than it should. "Don't fall for the wrong person." Niall winked. What did that mean? Then I understood, three drop dead gorgeous boys started walking towards us. I felt myself being lifted up, "Casssssiieeessss Herre!" I recognized the curly haired boys voice. 

The dark one with a mysterious look about him started laughing, "You must be the babe Harry was telling us about! I'm Zayn, and this is Louis."  Harry punched Zayn in the arm, "Dude!" the rest of the boys laughed, and I just stood there uncomfortably. "Harry, put that down you don't need anymore." Liam grabbed the bottle out of Harry's hand, Harry retaliated by pushing Liam back. That's when I stepped in, "Hey Harry, can you show me around? Maybe get me another drink?" I shot him my best smile. He nodded his head like it was a punishment and glared back at Liam. What was his problem? I remembered Liam knew why I was here, and I gave him a polite smile. Harry led me to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of alcohol and started chugging it, then handed it to me. I pretended to take a couple sips and then I put it down. I yelled over the music at the gorgeous boy standing in front of me, "Do you know everyone here?" it was a dumb question, but that's all I could think of. "Not everyone, if I see Josh I'll introduce you" He replied. I yelled "Let's dance!" he smiled and took me to the dance floor where I noticed people practically humping eachother, I signed hoping this wasn't going to be awkward. Instead Harry grabbed my hand and twirled me around, I stumbled and fell into him. Harry started laughing at me uncontrollably, "Shut up! I can't dance!" I laughed. I took my opportunity to check him out, he was wearing a Ramones tshirt with ripped kacki pants. God, he looked sexy. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

**Harry's POV***

I pulled her closer to me, I could smell the alcohol on both of us. She was so beautiful, I had never seen something so delicate. As I moved her around the dance floor I remembered her voice, the beautiful sound that had woken me up that morning. I caught her checking me out and I smiled, man, she looked so hot in that purple dress. There was something different about her than the normal girls I would go after, she seemed like a real and genuine person. I didn't know anything about her other than she's from Canada. I wondered why she came here? When did she learn she could sing? I realized I could just ask her. But I felt nervous and shy around Cassie, AND THAT NEVER HAPPENS. What the fuck, Harry? I thought. You're the babe here, take her outside.

"You want to go outside?" I spun her one more time and she nodded. As I turned around I felt the alcohol really start to hit me, I wobbled over and grabbed someone's shoulders to stand myself up. I felt Cassie's hands on my waist and asking if I was okay. I felt a bulge in my pants at her touch, this has never happened before. What is it about this girl? I reached for more alcohol.

***Cassie's POV***

I practically carried Harry outside, and that was not easy to do when I was drunk.

"So BadAssCas, what's your story?" Harry laughed at me. "BadAssCas? Is that my new nickname?" I punched his arm playfully. "What do people normally call you?" He asked, he reached for my hair and stroked it, "You have nice hair." I smiled, "Says you, Curly." He rolled back onto the grass and looked up towards the sky, "You know C, when I was a young boy, everyone started calling me Curly, because of my hair. But I perfered the nickname Styles. Just Styles. And no one ever calls me that anymore, I think you should." He looked up at me and smiled. My insides twisted at his lips parting. "And no one calls me C, but I guess I wouldn't mind." I winked. Before I could react, Harry leaned forward. 

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