After the war ended, Harry returned to Hogwarts for his eighth year, single and ready to start hopefully the best year of his life.
But one mistake in potions can change everything for Harry Potter 'The Chosen One' what happens when he and Draco ar...
Harry woke up feeling cold, Draco had left him sometime during their nap so he was now alone.
There was a note on the nightstand that said
Hello Love,
I hope you had a nice nap, I can't wait to see you tonight ;)
You should wear your red dress and you should ask Hermione to do your hair but those are just suggestions, I know that if you showed up in sweatpants you would still look as beautiful as ever.
I will be there at 7 so be ready.
Harry decided to go with Draco's suggestions and he made his way to Hermiones dorm with the dress in hand.
It was around 5 because Harry could apparently sleep 17 hours at a time which I think everyone is either jealous of or can relate to. He walked in and found Hermione pacing back and forth, rubbing her forehead in frustration and muttering to herself
"Hermione?" Harry said softly
"I DONT KNOW!!" She kept yelling but it seemed as though she didn't even know what was happening
"Hermione, please take a deep breath and relax"
"I can't" she broke down crying "I should've told her the truth. Why did I mess this up already"
"You're talking about Pansy right?"
"Yeah, I figured after hearing both Ron's story of how you broke up and Pansy's story last night while she was crying and sleeping in my bed"
"Did you also sleep in the bed with her??" Her voice filled with jealousy
"No! I slept with Draco"
"Oh good, so Did you sleep with him or did you sleep with him??" She wiggled her eyebrows, Harry lightly punched her shoulder
"We haven't been went on a date yet, we are definitely not doing that"
"Well it's okay if you are, just saying. Okay so what did you need?"
"We can talk about you if you want"
"No, I'm good. I'll figure it out later, what do you need"
"I was wondering if you could possibly do my hair for tonight."
"You are such a dork"
"And I think I am perfectly fine with that."
Harry sat on Hermiones desk chair while she was standing behind him with a curling iron.
"Hermione my hair is already curly"
"Yes but it's not curly enough!"
"Yeah yeah just don't make it frizzy"
"Oh! I know exactly what to do!!"
Hermione put the hot iron down and ran out of the room, she came back ten minutes later with a handful of items. She had flowers and a potion and jut a lot of other stuff that Harry doesn't recognize
"Okay so I'm going to pour this potion over your head and it's going to make it silky smooth, no friz okay?"
"How do I know that it will actually work"
"Here I'll show you" Hermione uncorked the bottle and pour some on her head, the hair immediately went down, silky instead of bushy.
Hermione continued curling Harry's hair, when she was finished she pulled the front pieces, braided them and pulled them into a bun thing (I'm bad at describing hair styles) then placed the flowers in various places.
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(The picture is blonde but remember Harry has green and silver hair.)
Harry then slipped his dress on
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It was now 6:45 and he had just enough time to run to his and Draco's dorm and do the final touches.
Harry opened the door and saw Draco's back.
"Why are you not facing the door?"
"Because I want to have my breath taken away and I want you to look your best so, are you ready?"
"Yes, turn around dork"
Draco turned around and saw Harry, he gasped, his jaw fell open, so did Harrys, Draco was wearing a classic black muggle suit with a dark green button up underneath.
"I was right, completely and utterly gorgeous"
"You're lucky I'm not actually wearing sweatpants, I was very tempted"
"Yeah well like I said in my note, you look beautiful in anything" he leaned over and kissed Harry's cheek.
"So where are we going?"
"It's a surprise Potter."
"I hate surprises Malfoy"
"Yeah well you are just gonna have to deal with it."
"Okay lets go then" They walked hand in hand to a secret location.