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Should And Shouldn't

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Chapter Ten - Should And Shouldn't


"I should've kissed you when I could."

I averted my gaze from the book I was reading to the person who had just taken the seat beside me.

Zach raked his fingers through his hair, pushing the deep brown strands out of his face.

"Because I came back later to find the booth shut down," he pouted. "And yet," a smirk formed on his lips, "you were the star of the carnival."

I let out a laugh and shook my head. "Long story."

"Oh, I know how that story goes." He waved his hand dismissively. "Jealous boyfriend shows up, happens to be pretty loaded and there, the booth is a success without even running."

I frowned at him. "He's not the boyfriend. He's my boss." I heard a voice beside me and found Liam taking a seat across the table.

"And I thought no one could disrupt my peace in a library." With a sarcastic smile, I shut the book I was reading and placed it on the table.

Liam's hand went up to his chest dramatically and he shut his eyes as if in pain. "Ouch."

"Remind me again why you and Rebekah aren't majoring in drama?" I narrowed my eyes for a moment.

"So he's not your boyfriend?" Zach spoke out of nowhere, his finger rubbing his chin as if he was deep in thought.

"No," I said.

"Are you sure, Caroline?" Liam cut in with a smirk. "I mean, he seemed pretty riled up about you kissing other guys."

I narrowed my eyes again.

The last thing I wanted was to think about that kiss. It was driving me crazy. I had even called in sick to avoid him.

Which was why I was here in the campus library, reading a book as a distraction instead of being at work.

"He was mad because I skipped work to volunteer at a carnival." I gritted my teeth and Liam seemed to have gotten the message.

"I see." He nodded.

Zach cleared his throat and I turned to him.

"Have you heard about this frat party tonight, Caroline?"

"Yeah. Rebekah told me last week. In fact, she's out shopping for a dress right now." I chuckled.

"What about you? Are you going?"

"Um, no." I shook my head.

Zach frowned.

"She says that every time, but Rebekah's just gonna end up dragging her to the party eventually," Liam said.

He was right. That was how it always happened.

But this time, I had a better reason to not go.

A part of me was worried that Nick Sinclair would somehow show up there too.

"Well, I hope Rebekah does that," Zach said with a charming smile. "Because I'll be looking forward to seeing you there tonight."

With that, he got up and left.

"Aw," a voice cut in, and I found Rebekah walking up to us.

"There's Nick Sinclair." She smirked while taking Zach's seat. "And on the other hand, your ex-lover Zach."

"Who will Caroline choose?" Liam spoke in a husky voice, attempting to build up suspense.

"For now," I scowled at them, "I choose to read my book in peace."

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by Geetika Tokhi
When billionaire playboy Nick Sinclair sets his sights on the one wom...
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