Keith woke up to his alarm, his arms still wrapped around Lance. He didn't want to move, he wanted to stay right here and kiss Lance until he woke up but he knew he had to meet for training in 15 minutes. He got up from the bed and slid out from underneath Lance, Lance's breathing staying consistent. Keith smiled at him as he pulled away from the bed and reached over to rock Lance's shoulder.

"Lance" Keith said softly. Lance slightly awoke to his rocking, his eyes fluttering open.

"Keith? What is it babe?" Keith froze at this. He just called me babe. He must not be thinking.

"I'm going to the training deck. Are you coming or are you going to sleep in longer?"

"Sleep longer. Meet up later" Lance replied groggily, his eyelids fluttering closed. Wow he has beautiful eyelashes Keith notes with awe, appreciating Lance's attractiveness for a second.

"Sure thing" Keith replied and rubbed his arm, getting up and going to his room where his paladin armour was. He made it to the training deck and waited for everyone else. Once they were assembled, Allura looked around the room.

"Where's Lance?" She asked.

"He told me he was going to take a nap and when I knocked on his door there was no reply, so I'm assuming he's still asleep. I'll make sure he trains later on today." Keith turned behind him to look at the little booth Coran was in. The whole Castle wasn't operational but the training room definitely was. "Coran, start the training sequence."


The team had been training for an hour and a half on and off. It was late and Keith called the end of the training. When everyone left to go to bed, Shiro turned to him before he was the last one out.

"Are you staying?" He asked. Keith nodded.

"I want to practice some new moves."

"Goodnight then Keith." Keith nodded in return and Shiro shut the door.

Keith shed his upper armour and put on his black short sleeve shirt. He gripped his Bayard and had it turn into the sword. He also gripped his blade for Marmora, awakening it. He looked up and saw that Coran has also left. Good, he thought. I'm alone.

"Start training sequence, level twenty" Keith called out. The new guardian appeared in front of him in the room. Keith waited for it to charge and its staff slammed into both blades. He pushed back but it didn't budge so he kicked the guardian in the chest, giving him a few seconds to quickly shove his sword into the guardian's stomach. It faltered then faded.

"Start training sequence, level twenty one" Keith continued. He kept beating the guardian, finding new blind spots and tricks. By the time it was level twenty eight, he was panting. An hour had passed of endless fighting. He was tired, but kept pushing on.

The guardian reappeared with no weapon, which made Keith worry. The guardian's right hand started to glow bright blue. No it can't be. It was a bionic arm just like Shir-

The guardian knocked the wind out of Keith as he slammed him to ground in his confused state. He had thought back to the planet where he had fought the clone and had come at him with the same arm. It was a painful memory, the fighting. It reminded him how hurt he was to cut off Shiro's arm and how ready he was to die for him.

His mind snapped back to the guardian who was close to choking him. He tried to kick it off but it wouldn't budge. He was too tired to push it off too. He couldn't call out to the intercom, his breathing was staggered now. He tried to think of something that would give him strength, something he could fight for.


Suddenly, images of Lance popped through his head. No, sensations popped through his head. He remembered his soft lips connecting with his, his hot, needy breath against his skin, how his hair stood on end when Lance was near, how his skin burned wherever Lance touched it, how his stomach flipped, how is heart raced around him, how his hot tears had drenched his skin, how his soft hair tickled his cheek when he rested on Keith's shoulder, how all he could hear was his heartbeat in his ears, how he always smelled of salt and sweet wind-

"End training sequence" a voice said from behind Keith. The guardian dissolved away and Keith quickly flipped over, his arms propping his body up to see who had ended that. Keith saw Lance leaning on a wall behind him about fifteen feet away, just out of the guardian's detection zone. A smile was planted on his face as he looked at Keith.

"What did you do that for?" Keith roared at him as he got up, sounding harsher than he intended.

"You we're getting crushed back there. I couldn't just let that happen to you" Lance said with his charming smile and walked towards him, his hands in his pants pockets. He had changed into a pair of sweatpants and a short sleeve shirt he had picked up from his old home. He hadn't combed through his hair so it was all tussled and curly. Keith's jacket was draped around his shoulders and he tossed it on top of Keith's shredded armour. He looked hot.

"I thought that maybe you wanted to train with someone a little weaker when you were getting tired" Lance said, standing two feet in front of Keith. That last part hit Keith oddly but he brushed it off.

"Sure, if you want to train. I just don't want to hurt you that much, Lan-" Keith was cut off as the wind was knocked out of him again. Lance had crouched to the ground and kicked his leg out, side sweeping Keith off his feet and making him topple to the ground. Keith lay on the ground, Lance on top of him, pinning both of his hands to the ground. Keith looked shocked up at Lance's close face, his eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. Lance had the smuggest smile on his face.

"Don't let your guard down" Lance said and kissed his nose, startling Keith more. Lance got off of him and stood away from him, waiting for him to stand up. Once Keith composed himself, he held both blades in his hands. Keith watched as Lance summoned his Bayard, turning his gun into the altaen broadsword. Keith gasped at this.

"How did you-" he began to ask but he was cut off again by Lance striking him, Keith using both of his swords for protection. Keith hadn't seen Lance smile like this in a while, not since he had hailed the Castle of Lions.

"I told you, don't let your guard down" Lance said through a grunt.

"But how did you get your gun to turn into a sword?" Keith asked, still astonished. He kicked Lance in the stomach and Lance rolled back, landing in a kneeling position. He grunted a laugh.

"My bayard turns into what I need the most. It turned into a blade after you left" Lance said with a sad laugh. He rushed Keith again before Keith could retaliate, their swords colliding.

"What are you implying?" Keith asked. Lance kicked Keith's ankle in response and Keith fell to the floor again, Lance pinned him to the floor.

"What do you think?" Lance added with a hint of cynicism. Lance was definitely stronger but he needed to do something to catch Lance off guard. Through a grunt, Keith raised his knee, pushing Lance slightly off of him. Lance locked eyes with him.

"End training sequence" Keith said and for a moment, Lance faltered, confusion crossing his face and faltering his smile for a brief moment. But that's all Keith needed. Keith pushed against Lance with his knee and Lance toppled to the floor. Keith jumped on top of him, unconsciously straddling his hips as he shoved away Lance's broadsword. He held the blade to Lance's throat. Lance huffed, a hint of fear crossing his eyes. Keith removed his blade immediately, and sat back on his haunches, pinning Lance's hips and pelvis to the ground. He laughed at Lance.

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