Keith woke up to his alarm, his arms still wrapped around Lance. He didn't want to move, he wanted to stay right here and kiss Lance until he woke up but he knew he had to meet for training in 15 minutes. He got up from the bed and slid out from underneath Lance, Lance's breathing staying consistent. Keith smiled at him as he pulled away from the bed and reached over to rock Lance's shoulder.

"Lance" Keith said softly. Lance slightly awoke to his rocking, his eyes fluttering open.

"Keith? What is it babe?" Keith froze at this. He just called me babe. He must not be thinking.

"I'm going to the training deck. Are you coming or are you going to sleep in longer?"

"Sleep longer. Meet up later" Lance replied groggily, his eyelids fluttering closed. Wow he has beautiful eyelashes Keith notes with awe, appreciating Lance's attractiveness for a second.

"Sure thing" Keith replied and rubbed his arm, getting up and going to his room where his paladin armour was. He made it to the training deck and waited for everyone else. Once they were assembled, Allura looked around the room.

"Where's Lance?" She asked.

"He told me he was going to take a nap and when I knocked on his door there was no reply, so I'm assuming he's still asleep. I'll make sure he trains later on today." Keith turned behind him to look at the little booth Coran was in. The whole Castle wasn't operational but the training room definitely was. "Coran, start the training sequence."


The team had been training for an hour and a half on and off. It was late and Keith called the end of the training. When everyone left to go to bed, Shiro turned to him before he was the last one out.

"Are you staying?" He asked. Keith nodded.

"I want to practice some new moves."

"Goodnight then Keith." Keith nodded in return and Shiro shut the door.

Keith shed his upper armour and put on his black short sleeve shirt. He gripped his Bayard and had it turn into the sword. He also gripped his blade for Marmora, awakening it. He looked up and saw that Coran has also left. Good, he thought. I'm alone.

"Start training sequence, level twenty" Keith called out. The new guardian appeared in front of him in the room. Keith waited for it to charge and its staff slammed into both blades. He pushed back but it didn't budge so he kicked the guardian in the chest, giving him a few seconds to quickly shove his sword into the guardian's stomach. It faltered then faded.

"Start training sequence, level twenty one" Keith continued. He kept beating the guardian, finding new blind spots and tricks. By the time it was level twenty eight, he was panting. An hour had passed of endless fighting. He was tired, but kept pushing on.

The guardian reappeared with no weapon, which made Keith worry. The guardian's right hand started to glow bright blue. No it can't be. It was a bionic arm just like Shir-

The guardian knocked the wind out of Keith as he slammed him to ground in his confused state. He had thought back to the planet where he had fought the clone and had come at him with the same arm. It was a painful memory, the fighting. It reminded him how hurt he was to cut off Shiro's arm and how ready he was to die for him.

His mind snapped back to the guardian who was close to choking him. He tried to kick it off but it wouldn't budge. He was too tired to push it off too. He couldn't call out to the intercom, his breathing was staggered now. He tried to think of something that would give him strength, something he could fight for.

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