Coffee for my soul

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I feel a cold chill in my body crawling through digging into my soul as a band of demons cards in the corner of the room with cigarettes and beers, I lay helplessly looking at the ceiling not wanting to join in the game all I want is to be freed from dark thoughts of the future. A tall figure writes blasphemous things on the wall, ghosts having sex in the closet. An angel with a silver talisman and a whiskey bottle flys through the room. A demon comes and says "why don't ya join us" I say "Not..yet..". I get up and walk to the kitchen and turn the coffee machine and slowly watch the coffee drip. The room becomes dark by each drip of coffee. The dark creatures all crowded around all ready to take turns ripping me apart. The coffee finishes, my back feels like stakes are being shoved into it like a vampire I felt like I was falling down into a deep dark hole. I lifted the coffee cup to my lips and took a sip of the dark brown coffee. Then the darkness left me, "I'll see you all again soon but for now it's just me and my coffee for my soul"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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