Chapter 67: Fuck(ed)

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Hello, all of you beautiful people!! 

It is finally here. The last chapter of Life is Liz. It took a little longer than I expected, but when I edited it, it was suddenly 2k words longer. So, I hope you are ready. Drum roll, please!


Could I be the one you talk about in all your stories
Can I be him?
I heard there was someone but I know he don't deserve you
If you were mine I'd never let anyone hurt you

~James Arthur, Can I Be Him


My first action for this weekend was something I should have done ages ago. Alas, procrastination was just too tempting an option. Besides, with all the shit that'd been going on lately I didn't need the added stress of having to deal with my favorite person on Earth. In order for this weekend to be successful though, I needed to put this out of the way. So, as the guys were busy unloading the cars I took the opportunity to take Jensen aside.

He was leaning against his vehicle while conversing with his friends when I interrupted."Hey, Jensen, I need to talk to you."

At the sound of my voice he turned around to face me and I knew what was about to come before he even opened his mouth. The smirk gave him away. "Maybe later, babe. Can't you see us football players are having a conversation here." He said the word football players like he meant more important people. Inside, I scoffed. As though they were something better than me.

His friends laughed as he turned to speak to them again.

My eyes narrowed.

I was tired of his bullshit.

Did he think talking to him was entertaining to me? I just had a panic attack for crying out loud. The last thing my tired body wanted was to deal with him, but I wouldn't back down seeing as it was important to settle the matter and would contribute positively to the team's relationship. I was aware my friends were still tense around Jensen and didn't trust him yet and I also knew that it had mostly something to do with me. So, I would do my part and the rest lay in their hands.

The polite way wasn't working with him? Then, I guess, we had to do this another way.

"I wasn't asking."

Their conversation ceased and he faced me again. Slowly.

Eyebrows raised, he stared at me provocatively and also somewhat expectantly. It appeared as though he was asking. "I'm staying. What are you gonna do about it?"

Chin raised high in the air, I mirrored him and crossed my arms over my chest. "I have all day, Eugene. How about you?"

His jaw ticked before a smirk overcame his features that seemed more painful than anything else.

Without another word, I marched to the cabin, breathing in deeply. The air out here was fresher if a little frigid. We were to reside in coach Edward's cabin in the woods which also happened to be situated very close to a beautiful, clear lake. It was breathtaking out here and the fact that it was fall and leaves of every color were surrounding us only contributed to the beauty.

When I heard the sound of crunching leaves behind me, I shared a secret smile with the woods. Inside, I entered the first room that stood with its door open. It appeared to be a study.

Jensen followed me, then, closed the door from inside. "You couldn't wait to get me alone to do me, could you?" He was close. So close that I could feel his body heat on my back, his breath against the shell of my ear and his hands wrapping around my hips.

Life is Liz (LiL, #1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt