Chapter 13

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The abandoned baseball diamond behind the school was covered in bright green ivy plants, illuminated by the bright sun. Small yellow flowers sprouted along the length of the vines. Curtains of plants provided patches of relieving shade all over the wide area. The dugout was entirely covered, so the inside was shaded and cool, illuminated by the light green hue given off by the shrubs, and small individual beams of light that pushed through the thick plants. The once red sand had faded to a pale orange since it's glory days and all but home base had been buried under a thin layer of dust. The lines that had once marked the boundaries of the diamond were entirely gone. The grass stood tall, swaying in the light breeze. Due to budget cuts, the once glorious sporting area had deteriorated to a weed ridden junkyard, but it held a natural beauty still.

Toby had been standing against the dugout fence for the past five minutes. Dallas had sent him a text this morning, asking him to meet her during the lunch break.

He looked casually at his watch, the decided to go inside the dugout and doodle for a little bit. He searched for his sketchbook in his pocket, it was missing. He never left home without it... weird. So he compromised by grabbing a stick and doodling in the orange dust that covered the floor of the dugout.

Soon after, he felt the ancient structure sway a bit as someone sat on the opposite side of the bench. Looking up, he saw Dallas. Her purple-gray eyes still took his breath away.

"So why'd you leave? Did I do something wrong?"

Right to the punch.

"The truth is, I don't know why I left... I guess I should apologize." Dallas rolled her eyes.

"Darn right you should. If you don't like pizza, you could just say so!"

Confused, Toby stared for a moment.

Dallas laughed. "I'm kidding! I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything."

Toby smiled. Finally determined, he asked what he had invited her here to ask her.

"Do maybe wanna hang out again some time?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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