Appleseeds P.O.V
All of us went our separate ways. Me and Roseseed were on our own , together. I needed to be brave at this time. I was going to find my mother. "Follow me"I whisper to Roseseed. She nods and follows me down the long corridor. I went to the very end of the hall where there were a flight of stairs going up. I creeked up them like a mouse. Once I got to the top I reached another hall with doors all over. There was a black door at he very end of the hall, it had Princess Luna's cutiemark on it, so I assumed it was her bedroom. I crept down the hall silently praying that no pony was in there exept my mother. I barged in the room and suddenly saw Luna tied up in a chair with tape over her snout. Sombra was standing proudly beside her. Roseseed was shaking behind me. "Surrender! Sombra!"I yell. "Oh really you think your so tough , huh? You think you can get past me to save you precious Princess huh?Huh? Well no you probably won't even make it alive!" He horn started to glow red magic flowing through it suddenly right as he was about to fire it a big yellow blob flings I front of Me! I was alone!<Roseseeds gone!> Roseseed was no longer behind me, where had she gone? That blob of yellow saved my life from being destroyed.<It's a Pony!>
I flipped over the pony onto it's back. <On no!->
Roseseeds P.O.V
<Mommy!> Once I had untied Luna I rushed over into my mothers arms. "Mommy mommy please please wake up!"I screamed. Her eyes slowly started to peek open. I squeezed her as tight as I could. "I'm alright Darling, *whispers into my ear* Use your powers."I was so surprised of what she said, her and I never ever wanted me to ever use my powers,EVER! But now was important my mommy was to week to fight I was the one who had to save her. I stated my engine and used my magic to transform myself into a lion. "Roooooooaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!"I screamed. I put a force field around I,appleseed and mommy. I charged at sombra aiming to bite my head off as he vanishes and I bite the ground. I form myself back into my regular self. "Yeeeeeeha that was pretty darn good Roseseed"Appleseed says. I blush. I rush over to Luna who was very week. "Are you alright?"I ask. "Yes I am able to walk but Sombra has taken my magic just as tirek had the power to many years ago, I am no use to Sombra any more that's why he vanished without me"She explains. Fluttershy stands up."I remember that day, that must of been the bravest I've ever been."She says. "Dear Fluttershy I think today was the day you topped that, by saving your daughters friend"Luna says.
Fluttershy blushes. I help Luna get back to her hooves. "But doesn't he you know want to uh kill you and all the other Princesses?"I ask. "I have not figured that out yet but I will don't worry."
"Follow me, all of you"Luna says.
We follow her down the hall and back down the stairs. She flies down the hall as well as me and my mother. She enters a room with another flight of stairs up. <Longest stairs ever.> We finally reach another corridor and we see a bunch of stories on the glass windows of my -Discord and the elements and my mommy. At the end of the wide hall there is another purple large door Luna leads us to the door and opens it with her magic, she flys in as we follow. We enter a fancy room, where I assume the elements if harmony were once kept, with a bunch of chairs and more murals on the walls. Luna flies to one of the book shelves, at the very top she grabs a big book with her magic. She sails back down to is and waves us to a table. She lays the book on the table and flings it open. < a fashion book, why would she bring us here to learn about fashion?!> I think. She opens to a page where suddenly I see the elements of harmony placed inside."The elements of-!"I out a hoof over my down mouth. "Yes*whispers*, the elements if harmony" Luna says. "But how?, I thought they were at twilights castle?"Mommy asks."Yes Fluttershy they were, but they were moved here for a reason,*whispers* so king sombra can't find them"She answers. "But long sombra is right in the castle!" Appleseed says. "Yes but this door is kept locked with I and my sister magic"Luna explains. "Oh"Appleseed blushes. "I hope you don't mind Fluttershy, but since the elements no longer belong to you and your friends, the element tree is dying , once again, this time because if king sombras dark magic, for good"Luna says. "Oh no! How can we save it?!"She (Fluttershy) reacts immediately. "Well since you six have already been attached to the elements, it will no longer attach yo you, some other LITTLE ponies need to take your place and save the day" Luna explains. "Who's gonna take there place and save the day!"Appleseed yells. "You"Luna replies. <Appleseed gets to save the day, all by herself?> I think surprisingly in my head . "Ma-Me! I get to save the world and all of Equestria , oh Nononnonono Luna , I mean -huh- *Calms down* Princess I don't think I can... you know, save Equestria and all the fate is in my hooves"Appleseed doesn't seem quiet excited. "Why aren't you excited?" I ask. "You wouldn't be excited if all the fate of Equestria is in your own little hooves!"Appleseed snaps. "Girls!"Fluttershy yells calmly. "You as I'm both of you"Luna says. "Me!"Apple and I say in sync. "Both of you and your other friends will take in your mothers important jobs."Luna says. "With our friends!, That sounds better"Appleseed says. "Yeah..... hehehe I'll have to check my schedule"I zip out of the room. But before I could dash I get a pull back on my tail. It was Appleseed. "Where you go'in?"She says. "I can't save the world, OKAY!"I yell. My mother rushes over to me and snuggles me in her arms. "It's alright darling , it's actually not that bad" She calms me down. "It is if you have to use your terrible powers!"I scream. "Why did you have to marry a horrible creature!"She puts me down and we both start crying. "How could you say such a thing, you wouldn't be here right now if I didn't marry him" She said. "I-I'm sorry mama! , It's just Everypony at school makes fun if me because I have a evil dad" I explain. "Why would they make fun of you and not be scared if yo-"I was so surprised of what she said. "It was so unlike her to be rude. "How could you!"I yell. "I'm so sorry honey, sweetie ! I'm so sorry I didn't mean it!"She says. "They make fun if me cause they don't believe I got powers!"I explain. She rushes into her arms. "I'm sorry"We both say I sync. "Let's stop the pitty party and go find my mom!" Appleseed loses her temper. I and her run out the door right after Luna places our elements on our necks.........
Appleseeds P.O.V
We run out the room down the hall as I look behind us and Luna yells."I spotted Applejack run to the basement. That's where I was headed. <The basement> I ran as fast as I could to the stairs. Trying not to trip I finally made it to the freezing cold basement. It was dark, cold and dusty. In the far corner a light was on ,a chair facing the wall with a pony sitting in it. I pushed me and Roseseed back father into the darkness. Sombra appears out of the darkness. "What do you want......Sombra"My moms voice! <Mom!> As I run at them, Roseseed holds me back. "Just your future, the elements"He answers. "I don't have the elements! And I don't know where they are!"She yells. <So brave .... I wish I was that brave> "Where is my daughter!"She was looking for me! He forms back into darkness. Something suddenly covers my mouth and brings me back into the darkness. I appear I front of my mom tied up in a chair. Roseseed is the same beside me. "Mom!"
"Sugarcube!" She screams. "It's gonna be o'kay"
"I know!"I yell. "Well don't be to sure"Sombra says, he horn glowing red. "Waaaaaaaiiiiiit!"Roseseed yells. Getting mad, she uses her powers and turns into a Giant Alicorn, bigger than sombra and spawns a cage over top of sombra. She also puts a spell on him so he can't use magic. "Go Roseseed"I cheer. She turns back into her normal self. "Don't mess with me!"She says. A red spark comes from his horn but he fails. Roseseed unties us with a pair of scissors she formed. "Thank you!"My mom gives Roseseed a BIG hug. I am a little jealous, so I run over push Roseseed out of the way and hug my mom! "Ow"Roseseed whispers. "Now Appleseed you don't push around friends like that"Mom explains. "Sorry Roseseed , I just really really really really really really(10x) missed my mom"I apologize. "Wel'l now since we've cap'tured sombra , now what show we do?" Applejack says. I reach for my neck. "The elements , he took our elements!"I yell. Roseseed uses her power to get them back. Suddenly my element appears on my neck. "Than'k yeah"I say. "I have a plan, my mom stays here and we go find the others and help them find there mothers and then bring them back here!"I explain in a rush. "Alllllll'right but be safe"Mom kisses me on the four head. "Don't worry, we will be safe when we have these pup'pies"I say. Then me and Roseseed run upstairs.
Hearts As Strong As Horses(The Fillies Of The Six){ON HOLD}
FanfictionThis book is about the(6) main characters of my little pony who now have daughters who discover there friendship is the most important thing to them as the war is happening.