I wake up to a bump on a road. I don’t remember how I ended up on the bus. I don’t want to open my eyes so I try to feel how my body is. I’m alone on a seat lying down on my side, with my feet hanging off the edge. I can feel a blanket or something on top of me, and something like a sweater, acting as my pillow. I try to move and I end up with a major headache.
“Mariah, are you awake?” It’s Mr. Forj. I open my eyes and see him looking at me. He’s sitting in the seat ahead of me. He isn’t wearing his jacket or a shirt, so every time he moves you can see his muscles move. He is so ripped! I would love to wake up to that more often! “You look happy.”
“I- I can’t remember anything. What happened?” I try to move again, but I get sick and give up.
“You thought you saw a deer in the woods, you went to go see it and tripped. You ended up hitting your head on a tree.” That explains why my head is throbbing.
“Where are my shoes?” he laughs for a while. Then looks into my eyes and smiles. His eyes! I could totally drown in them.
“I left them with Madison; she’ll give them to you when we get back.” My eyes feel heavy, and it’s hard to hear him talk. “Go back to sleep you have another half hour before we get there.” I close my eyes and drift off.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
“Mar, can you hear me?” I feel someone shove my shoulder. “We’re hear Mariah. I’m going to lift you up on the count of three. One, two, three,” My head starts spinning and I start to moan. As he walks I can feel his muscles move, I feel so weak and small in his arms. I try pressing myself into him, trying to keep warm.
His hands are huge and feel like they could break anything, yet they were so soft and gentle like I was delicate and about to break. I like how he carried me I could fall asleep and feel like I was on cloud 9.
“Kay you guys, quickly sit in your seats, let me do a head count, and then you can go home.” He was still carrying me as he counted the kids and sent them home.
“What should I do with Ms. Mariah’s shoes?"
“Just put them on my desk,” there was a short pause. “Thanks Madison.” A door closed then everything was quiet.
I push my head into his chest, trying to go to sleep. He starts to laugh, making his whole chest move. “Mar, you need to try and sit up soon.” I grumble, and push my head into his chest some more. Hearing him say my nickname makes my heart race, it sounds so good coming from him. I think about opening my eyes, but change my mind. I just want to sleep, it would be so easy too. I feel him sit down and set me on his lap. “Mar, open your eyes.” I let out a breath in annoyance, and open my eyes. All I can see is his perfectly tanned skin. “Kay I guess that’s a start.” I look up at him and he smiles, “That’s what I was looking for.”
“I’m going to help you sit up.” He stands up and sits me down on his chair. I have to close my eyes tightly because of the pain, it feels like a hammer is being smashed on my head, and someone is drilling a hole though my skull.
“I’m going to kill you.” He laughs at bit, and I hear him searching around in one of his drawers.
“Here take this. I’ve heard from movies that chocolate helps.” I open my eyes and see him holding some kind of dark chocolate.
“What movies?”
“Harry Potter.” I take the chocolate from him and eat it. After I’m done, I lean my head back and close my eyes. It would be easier to keep my eyes open if everything would stop moving.
“I need to get home now.” I sigh and open my eyes. It’s going to be hell walking home.
“Mariah, we need to talk.” He has a serious look on his face, something I’ve never seen before.
“About what, not running into trees?” A sad smile shows on his face.
“No, about what really happened out in the woods. Do you remember why you went out there?” I close my eyes and try to think but I can’t, everything is a blank.
“I can’t remember anything. I remember going for ice cream, sitting down, hearing something –” I try to think of what it was but I can’t. “I’m sorry I can’t. Why can’t I remember?"
“I gave you something to drink. You were scared and I knew-- I knew it was a mistake as soon as I saw it in your eyes. After you drank it, you fainted.” He gets up and starts pacing. “You swear you can’t remember?”
“I’m pretty sure. Did you poison me? Is that what was in the drink, a poison to make me forget?”
“Yes. I know it sounds like something out of the movies, but I had no choice. I can't risk losing you.”

Moon Stalker (On Hold)
Teen FictionMariah grew up with werewolves being fictional characters. She loved hearing stories about humans turning into a wolf and prowling the night. But all those stories were just that, stories! All that changed when a new teacher came to her school, from...