chapter five | documenting the moments of a memory

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i have a brand new chapter coming at you later this week. please feel free to vote, comment, share, and talk to me on my socials/profile. i love you lots.

now, enjoy the chapter xx


"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart." - A.A. Milne


The minute Jessica gathered me in her arms, it took a few moments of clinging and a bit of hysterical crying before we were able to say another word

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The minute Jessica gathered me in her arms, it took a few moments of clinging and a bit of hysterical crying before we were able to say another word. My whole world was spinning.

Jessica. She's here. She's really here.

This wasn't the way I expected to wake up and start my day. This wasn't the way I expected my life to be when I came back to New York. I didn't know what was going to happen when Papa and I decided to leave our life in California and come back to the city, but it seems that life was giving me the second chances I've been wishing for.

When Jessica pulled back, she placed her hands on my cheeks, fondly saying, "Just look at you! Now I understand why people always comment on how much someone has grown since they've last seen them. You're so beautiful, Darcy."

"Well, I could say the same for you," I said, truly meaning it. Jessica still looked as beautiful as ever. I, on the other hand, didn't feel so pretty with my nose and eyes running. Normally, I hated to cry in front of people. But just the sight of Jessica, Jessica after so long, made me burst in an instant.

"Did you just wake up?" she asked.

Automatically, I raised my hands to pat down my mane of bed hair. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I wasn't expecting anyone, especially not you."

Jessica laughed and gave me a wink. "Then we did a good job. Chris called me the other day and told me how you were back in New York. At first, I was so confused, and then he explained that you really had moved back and that you were going to the same high school. I just had to surprise you!"

"Was Papa in on this scheme, too?" I asked her, thinking about the huddle he and Chris had last night at the café.

She shrugged to that. "I guess Chris tipped him in on the plan. We did pretty good, though, huh?"

I stepped in to give her another hug, feeling another wave of emotion wash over me. "Yeah, you really did," I murmured. "I'm really glad to see you again."

"And I'm so happy to see you, too," Jessica replied, smoothing back my hair. "This is long overdue. We have so much to catch up on. Now" – she pulled away with a wide grin – "go get ready. We're having a girl's day."

I let her inside and left her with a cup of water before going to the bathroom to change and get ready. My whole body was tingling with excitement. When I stepped in front of the mirror, I was faced with my reflection wearing a smile as wide as the cheshire cat. The overwhelming emotions bubbled out of me all at once, and I knelt down to release a silent squeal into my knees. Doing so brought my excitement from overwhelming to buzzing, allowing me to continue getting ready without feeling like I was going to burst with happiness.

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