Chapter 1| The beginning

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             Authors P.O.V

One unusually bright and sunny morning Hermione Jean Granger woke up to the sound of tapping on her window.

Hermione got fed up with the knocking and got up. She saw a black owl with big bright green eyes and it had a collar with a big silver letter 'Z'.

The owl had a letter tied to its leg. Hermione picked up the letter and again there was a seal with the letter 'Z' on it, this made Hermione suspicious.

She opened the letter and it read:

    "       Dear Hermione Granger,

    This may seem sudden but, we will be arriving at your house at 9:30 A.M.

                  Be prepared


The letter made Hermione really confused. She checked the time and it was 8:00 A.M, so she had an hour and a half to get ready.

 Hermione's P.O.V

After I received the very odd letter I shrugged it off and went into the bathroom, having an hour and a half to be prepared. 

I decided to wear a white long sleeved tank top, ripped jeans and converse. I went into the bathroom and took a long warm shower to wake me up.

After a while, I got out of the shower and changed. I checked the time and the clock read '9:25 A.M'

" I have some time to spare for a quick breakfast." I thought, an I was right... More or less.

 When I went downstairs I made a slice of toast and ate it quickly.

Out of the blue, I heard a knock at the door, when I answered it I saw Blaise Zabini standing with who I suspect is his mother and father.

I was shocked at first but then I remembered the 'Z' on the owl and letter, then it all made sense, well kind of.

"Come in," I said using my Gryffindor courage to look them in the eyes, which is way harder than you think.

The Zabinis came in and sat on a couch, I sat on the one across from them.

"Not to be rude or anything but, what are you guys doing here?" I questioned trying to sound polite at the same time.

"Well, um... Hermione dear... I'm going to be blunt about this." Mrs. Zabini said looking as if she was on the verge of tears.

"Hermione, you were adopted by the Granger's, and biologically speaking you are a Zabini."  Mrs. Zabini mumbled.

I sat there in shock, unsure of what to do. Then I broke the most obvious question.

"If I am a Zabini why don't I look like you?" I asked curiously. Then, out of nowhere Blaise started laughing hysterically. All of us looked at him confused.

" Did the smartest witch of our generation seriously just ask that question?" Blaise managed as he laughed even harder.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to Mrs. Zabini. "You were saying?" I asked politely (unlike Blaise)

"You see Hermione, you were placed under the glamor charm. Would you like me to take it off?" Mr. Zabi- er... Dad asked me finally speaking.

When I nodded my head eagerly he chuckled.

As Dad stood up I did as well, he summoned a mirror in front of me knowing I would like to be the first to see what I look like.

With a wave of his wand I started to feel pain burning inside of me, I fell to the ground.

When Blaise saw I fell he tried to come to me but Dad stopped him.

 As soon as the pain came, it went away, I stood back up feeling somewhat refreshed.

When I looked in the mirror I gasped I was beautiful.

My hair fell to mid-thigh with almost black but still kept a shade of brown there also was natural gold highlights, I had gotten way thinner and my curves showed. A lot. Most people would call this an hourglass figure, my eyes were a mesmerizing bright green with flecks of hazel, and I had a growth spurt from 5'0 to 5'5

I noticed my clothes were tight around my chest and bum, but loose on the other areas, so I charmed them to match my size. When I turned to face my family I asked them in a surprisingly warm voice "Is there anything else you want me to know?"

"Well, you have three other siblings DeAndre is seventeen, Alisha is fifteen, and Camron is thirteen, and Blaise is your twin brother and SADLY he is older by five minutes," Mum said while rolling her eyes.

"HEY!!!" Blaise yelled and oh good merlin did my ears hurt.

" Plus your full name is Hemione Qatita Honea Maria Alia Nakia Sofia Agularou Hernadez Lianez Zabini," Mum added.

"Now let us floo away to heaven that is known as Zabini manor!" Blaise said dramatically. I slapped him on the arm and said: "I don't know about you but I'm apparating."

My parents nodded in agreement. Blaise nodded sadly and then we appreated to Zabini Manor.

Word count: 829  

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