I walked in as he sat down . He looked with a grin it was that face that stupid face that started it all. I smiled back why did I even smile back. It hurts to think I smiled back! I wish I would have never looked at him if he just wasnt there ,or if I was invisible. If he couldn't see me or if I couldn't see him I wouldn't be in so much pain with the thoughts of actually saying I love you to him. Quotes to him texting him. Those three simple but so meaningful words that hurt me inside that kill me to think I ever said them to someone so WRONG. I thought I loved him. I thought when he said them he ment them. Maybe he just made me feel intitled to say those three words. I can't believe I thought that word love would actually work in my world. I shud have learned after what happened before. Is this what it feels like to be taken advantage of! Or is this just after love or what is love love doesn't exist in my world anymore. I can't have LOVE. My word of love means something way different now
E.mpty feelings
I have no more feelings for a partner no feelings of LOVE because what is love. LOVE for me is pain and suffering. My visual version of love is dead it died when you crushed my heart