Nathan’s POV
The day after Trent visited, Mark told me that I could go to their house next week if I’d like. I beamed at him and agreed, just holding myself back from squealing in joy. Nicole’s been such a bad influence. Or maybe I’m just becoming less withdrawn. Whatever it was, It didn’t affect my mood as I skipped to my lessons for the day. Then I realized it was Sunday and I had no lessons. I went back to my room and picked up the book I’d been reading, settling for a relaxing morning for reading.
Throughout the day, I found out more about the new clone. It was going to be a girl and her name would be Katrina and she would be five years old. She would be created in two weeks, if preparations went well. Katrina would also be living with the girl she was cloned from. Her name was Rebecca and they would be compared to see how successful the cloning process. I felt slightly envious when I heard that she wouldn’t have to live at the research center, but I guess they don’t have time here to do their work and take care of a five year old at the same time.
The week passed by quickly with only a few run ins with Chris. Several new bruises on my body were evidence to that. Chris had gotten increasingly more violent as I stayed longer at the facility and I couldn’t decide if the reason was because of my presence or the stress of creating a new clone. Either way, it didn’t benefit me and I had to make excuses when people saw the bruises.
I was nearly jumping for joy when Saturday came and Mark picked me up to go to his house. It felt like I hadn’t seen my friends for an eternity and I was even excited to see Nicole, despite how much she annoys me. As Mark opened the door, it burst open, slamming him against the wall comically. I would have started laughing, but the wind was knocked out of me as I was tackled to the ground by Nicole.
“OH MY GOD. NATHAN!” she screamed in my ear. I winced.
“Hello, Nicole,” I greeted her in a normal tone.
“I missed you so much… Hey!” Nicole protested as Trent pulled her off of me.
“Hello,” he said, helping me up.
“Hi,” I responded shyly, hugging him. I wish I’d stayed to see his reaction after I’d kissed him last week. I didn’t want to scare him off. My worries were eased when he hugged me back tighter and glared at Nicole.
“You could have hurt him,” he scolded. She stuck her tongue out at him.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sorry,” she apologized, rather unapologetically. Trent rolled his eyes and pulled me into the house.
“So what do you wanna do?” he asked when we were sitting in his room, then grunted in annoyance when his phone started blaring,
“I'M SO FANCY! YOU ALREADY KNOW!” I watched as he picked up and yelled,
“Claire, why would you do this to me?” There was a pause as he listened. “No, I don’t Nathan’s over and… Claire? Wait!” Trent sighed and hung up. “Claire and Daiki are coming over,” he informed me.
“Okay,” I replied. It would be nice seeing them after so long. Then I thought of something. “Trent?” I asked.
“Yeah?” he answered.
“What does blowing someone mean?” I watched as his face changed from shock to amusement to horror in the span of three seconds.
“Nope. No. Nope, I refuse,” Trent replied. He looked up at Daiki and Claire who had arrived impossibly quickly. “You guys explain, I’m out.” Trent made a speedy retreat, leaving Daiki and Claire looking confused. Is the meaning really that bad?

Lessons for the Nerd (boyxboy)
Teen FictionTrent Walters is just an ordinary guy, minding his business and living his life. That is, until Nathaniel is thrown into his life. A person who seems to know nothing and everything. A person who might get closer than Trent thought possible. Trent is...