Chapter 6

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Ellie's P.O.V

Well, we were late for the pack meeting but at least no one asked why which I'm glad for. "Double the patrols around the pack, double the security, and double the training schedule," Alpha Brian said and everyone agreed. "Ted I need you and Ellie to train the pack warriors faster and test their abilities, then separate them into groups. We don't know when these rouges will attack again and I want us to be prepared," he said and both Uncle Ted and I nod our heads. He turns to Steven, the Beta, and his son Christian. "Steven I need you to help me call out to our allies just in case we need help and Carl, ( the gamma ) help prepare the safe house for the pack members. We're on a clock here people we need to make every second count and please don't let anyone out of your sight I don't want anyone going anywhere alone," he said and we all nod our heads.

"Ted and Ellie are it ok if you guys start training now? I'll wake the pack warriors and tell them if you're ok with it?" He asked. Uncle and I looked at each other secretly asking if I was ok with it because he is already ok with it. "We're OK with that Alpha," Uncle Ted replied. "Good," Alpha Brian said and Jacob spoke after that. "Is it ok if they start later on I mean Ellie did come in late and is probably tired," he suggested. I narrowed my eyes at him and everyone else looks at each other in curiosity while he shrugged his shoulder.

'And you were training me earlier,' he said to me through the mind link but private it with everybody else.

"I'm ok Jacob I can handle it. We'll start training now Alpha Brian," I said and he nodded his head.

'Are you sure you can handle it?' He asked again for the mind link. I looked at him to find that he was already looking at me with worried eyes. The only person who ever looks at me like that is Uncle Ted, Aunt Mariah, Luna Audrey, and Alpha Brain. Anyone other than family who worries about me makes me feel strange. I know it sounds stupid. I was never the one to express or explain my feelings properly.

'This is normal for me so yes I can handle it,' I said back to him through the mind link looked away from him, and started focusing on what everyone is saying. 'But are you sure? I mean you just came out of the hospital, stayed out into the woods at midnight didn't go up to your room until 2 in the morning, trained me at 5:30 am, had a meeting at 7:00, and now you wanna train the pack members, then do your training and back to training me again later and goddess knows what you said your gonna do tonight,' he said and I had to fight the urge to smile.

'You worry about me too much Jacob,' I said to him.

"How can I not?" He muttered that one like he was talking to himself. But what he didn't realize what that everyone in the rooms heard him because of their werewolf hearing. "What was that son?" Alpha Brian asked Jacob and he snapped out of his trance. "Huh? Nothing?" He said as he looked at his father with wide eyes. I wanted to laugh at his behavior but I suppressed it just barely.

"Ok. I also second that Steven. I think that it will be great if we held a ceremony to represent the new leaders of the pack. But I don't think that at the end of this week will be a good idea," he said.

"Why not?" Jacob asked and everyone turned to look at him. "Well with the rouges attacking and everything I don't think it's okay if we stepped down from our positions at a time like this," Alpha Brian answered. "That's why you have us, Dad. I know you are uncomfortable with leaving the pack so soon but it's also our duty as future leaders of this pack to protect it. We were supposed to be the leaders 3 years ago but because of my absence, it never happened. But I'm here now, we're ready so let us lead," Jacob said trying to convince his dad.

"He's right Brian," Carl said and  Alpha Brian looked at him. "We have to give them a chance to lead and what better time will there be than this?" Carl said and everyone else second that. Then Christian spoke up. Your probably wondering why are the leader's children here. Well, it's a part of their training when they become the new leaders of the pack.

"Question. Wasn't the rouges actually after Jacob? I mean it was pretty obvious he knew him. Jacob, you even knew him. Any chance you might know why he's after you?" He said and everyone looked at Jacob for an answer. He was hesitant and it looks like he stopped breathing while he just stare at the table that we were all sitting around.

'Breath,' I said to him through the mind link between us. He looked up at me for a second before he answered Christian. "Yes I know who he is... he's Ashley's brother. Kyle Turner," he said then bowed his head. I wonder who's Ashley. "He never really liked me that much even when Ashley and I were together. We haven't seen each other since Ashley's death. But I don't know what he wants with me," he said then bowed his head again. Ashley must be his mate. 

"Ok that means he's mostly after you Jacob which also means that you need to be extra careful," Alpha Brian said. "Might as well assign bodyguards," we heard someone whisper and then chuckled afterward. We all looked at Carl, the gamma's son. "That's not a bad idea Carl," Alpha Brian said and both Jacob and Carl's eyes widen in surprise. "What!?!?" Jacob shouted as he stood up from his seat. "I don't need a bodyguard to watch my every move. I'll be fine on my own," he added but his father wasn't having it. 

"You are getting a bodyguard whether you like it or not young man and that's final," Jacob is stubborn but so is his dad. Now everyone can see where he gets it from. "Fine but I'm choosing the bodyguards," Jacob said through gritted teeth.  See what I mean by stubborn? "No I'm choosing since I know the warriors best," Alpha Brian said and turned back around before Jacob could say anything. "And I choose Alec Dane," he said and Jacob narrowed his eyes in confusion.

Alec Dane is - what I recall - the third-best warrior of this pack. Tall, well build, blonde-haired, nice smile you know, what girls drool over. He and I aren't the best of friends but we still talk to each other. 

That reminds me I'll need a map of the Mountain Stone Valley so I can find an easy way in. Hopefully, I can find a map of the place in the library.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even realize what Alpha Brian is saying. "Ok I'll think about us stepping down and I'll give you an answer tomorrow. You all dismissed," he said and everyone stood up and left the room. Before I exit I spotted Alec at the door I gave him a curt nod and he returned it before I walked out and to the locker room to change into a tank top and sweats and put my hair in a bun. I went to the training field to get started on the pack warriors.

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Stay tuned for my next chapter.


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