Thirty - Fourth Dare

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by @aleheywhat 

I dare all of you to steal one of each Vocaloid's favorite item, and you HAVE to make it out alive. You are allowed to do anything to help you survive, except moving to different countries. You must stay where you are.

Len: That is suicide!!

Lenka: Oh dear.. *covers mouth*

Rin: Why? Are you two chicken? *wraps arms around Len and Lenka*

Len: What?! No! *removes her arm* Let's do this

Rinto: Why do I have a bad feeling about this..?

Rui: *runs out of the house with a WOOSH*

Rinto: What the-

Rei: *follows her with a WOOSH*

Lenka: Welp, no time to waste *runs out*


Len: Bike is mine!! *runs*

Rinto: .... I guess I'll walk then.


Rin: *sneaks in through the kitchen window (because she's smol)* *hides in one of the cupboards*

Miku: *hums* *grabs a leek from the fridge* *bites into it* *walks away*

Rin: *whispers* bingo. *crawls out* *opens fridge* *gets a bag* *throws all leeks into the bag* *hears footsteps*

Mikuo: *mumbles* God you stupid pink haired ass, why not start flirting with someone else or I'll ...

Rin: Crap *crawls out through the window* *pulls bag* *hops into road roller*


Len: How the hell do I steal all their tuna? *crawls through the window* *opens their fridge* *sees one giant tuna* Oh ok that was easy *grabs it* *puts it in bag*

Luka: Len?

Len: AAAHU UHH UH hI LuKA!!! *waves* *hides bag*

Luka: Uh hi? I didn't see you come in. Why are you here?

Len: A-Ahahaha y-you know.. just.. asking.. for good.. fish recipes!!

Luka: Fish recipes? I didn't know you were a fan of fish.

Len: H-hehe y-yknow.. W-We're c-created by the Japanese, a-and we are kind of Japanese so.. T-Technically I should be a f-fan!

Luka: hmm.. if you say so! I have a book of them in my room! Oh let me go get it! *runs off*

Len: O-Ok! *smiles* *runs to the front door*

Luki: Len? What are you-

Len: Notimetoexplain!Tellyoursistersorryforme! *runs out*

Luki: Uh ok?


Meiko: *passed out on the coach*

Meito: *passed out on the floor*

Kaiko: Oh dear.. *tries to pull up meito* *fails* *sighs*


Kaiko: Hm? *goes to the door* *opens it* Oh hi Lenka!!

Lenka: Oh h-hello *waves*

Kaiko: So glad to see you! Come in come in!

Lenka: *goes in* *sees Meito and Meiko unconscious* *tilts head*

Kaiko: Heh, long story..

Lenka: I-It's ok

Kaiko: So why are you here?

Lenka: We need an extra supply of ice cream

Kaiko: Oh ok, we have loads, you can have some! *walks to the kitchen* *opens the 3rd fridge* *just vanilla ice cream*

Lenka: Woah!

Kaiko: Oh do you want a different flavor? We have other fridges for that.

Lenka: Oh i-it's ok, I'll just go get one

Kaiko: Oh ok, go have one.

Lenka: *hesitant* Uh.. *sweats*

Kaiko: Are you ok? You look constipated

Lenka: Oh I'm fine.. just *waiting*

Kaiko: ???


Kaiko: Oh my.. ok I'll be right back *walks to the living room*

Lenka: *sighs in relief* *grabs 5 tubs of ice cream* *closes fridge* *opens the first one* *ALCOHOL (SAKE)* *grabs 7 bottles of sake* *puts all in bag* *runs out through from door*


Rinto: *throws a carrot out*

Gumi/Gumiya: MINE!! *runs to it* *fights over it*


Gumiya: NO I DID!! *pins her down* *tries to pull the carrot from her*

Gumi: *bites his hand*

Gumiya: OW WHAT THE F*CK!!! *lets go* *tackles her*

Gumi: EEP!!

Gakupo: Oh my god *walks outside to them*

Gakuko: *facepalms*

Rinto: *walks out with a bag of eggplants and carrots*


All 4 Kagamines: *holds up bags*

Rin: I win you lousy fish net!

Len: No I win you retarted rabbit!!

Lenka: ovo

Rinto: *facepalms*

Rin and Len: *arguing*

Lenka: Where's Rui and Rei?


All 4: *freezes*

Meiko: WHO TOOK ALL OUR STUFF?! *holding Rui and Rei in a santa bag*

All 4: *points at each other*

Rui: welp

Rei: -^-

Meiko: 😊 You better run now..

Rin: OK BYE *leaves leeks* *runs into the road roller*

Len: WAAIT FOR ME *leave bag* *runs after her*

Meiko: *glares at Rinto and Lenka*

Lenka: *raises arms up in the air*

Rinto: Nope *grabs Lenka* *runs off*

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