Not You

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"I bet it was," I say sarcastically. Getting my headphones out ready to block his nonstop talking with my music.

"It was." He says as the bell rings and he looks to the board attentively. I forgot this was his worst subject so he wouldn't talk to me unless he needed help with a problem.

I sighed in relief and put my headphones back into my bag and look up to the board. "Roman can you tell me what the answer to this is." The teacher asks half expecting Roman to be ignoring him.

Roman looks at all the numbers and keeps his focus trying to figure it out. "Is it negative three over five?" The teacher nods writing it on the board and continuing the lesson.

My focus drifts off and I begin drawing aimlessly in my notes. I feel Roman's eyes wander over to me. "Psst whatcha drawing?" He whispers trying to get a better look.

I look at him and then at the drawing. I realize I've drawing a person. "A person I guess," I say looking at Roman. "I wasn't really paying attention.

His moves to get a better look and I look down realizing it's Roman. I quickly shut it. "Why'd you close it?" He asked confused.

"Roman!" The teacher scolds. "Please pay attention." Roman quickly looks to the board refocusing on the lesson.

I try to focus on the lesson but drift off into my thoughts. I look towards and watch the clock and watch the second hand tick. The bell rings and I quickly get up and put my stuff in my bag rushing out. "Do page 201-205." The teacher says but I don't bother storing that in my mind.

"Hey wait up I need help," Roman says rushing to my side. He smiles. "I need your help getting Sam's attention."

I roll my eyes. "Patton said he liked you yeah? Then that should mean you have his attention just ask him out Princey he likes you." I say walking faster to get away from him.

Roman's POV

He's giving me no signs of jealousy! Ugh, Patton told me he might have a crush on me but he acts like he doesn't care. I don't actually like Sam but he likes me.

I walk the rest of the way to class trying to come up with the best plan to make Virgil jealous. I get so caught up in my thoughts I run into Patton. "Oh, Kiddo are you alright?" He asks pulling me off the ground picking my books up.

"I am so sorry Patt I was planning," I say taking the books and picking up Patton's stuff.

"For what?" He asks smiling taking his stuff gratefully.

"Patt I'm sorry I would love to talk but I can't be late!" I say smiling and running to class.

Later it is time for Spanish. "Why are you in this class if you already speak it fluently?" Virgil asks me irritated with me continuously talking to him in Spanish.

"I am sorry it is a habit and because it's an easy A," I say smirking. He rolls his eyes and smirks but quickly replaces it with a frown when he spots someone. I look back and see a guy I've never seen before walk in.

He gives the teacher a note and she points at a seat next to Virgil. He saunters over and sits looking at Virgil. Virgil ignores him continuing to talk to me. "Ro..." He whispers. "Pretend to be my boyfriend please I can't stand this guy."

I look at him and at the new guy and drape an arm around him. "Babe want to learn how to say 'I love you' instead of 'I hate myself'," I ask looking into Virgil's eyes.

He smiles. "Whatever you want." He says leaning into my touch more.

"Okay say te quiero," I say pulling him slightly closer. He repeats me and I kiss his cheek. "Awe you're so cute when you speak Spanish." His face turns pink. "And when you're flustered." He blushes harder and kisses my nose.

I feel my face heat up. "So are you." He says getting up right as the bell rings and leaves for eighth hour.

I sit there staring at the door and finally come to my senses and get up ready to leave. "What are you doing with my boyfriend?" The new kid asks before I can leave.

I turn to look at him. "Well hate to break it to you but he isn't yours."

He growls. "He wath mine before you came along." He seems to have some sort of lisp with his 'S'.

I smirk and pat his back. "Mine now." And I walk to class.

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