What This Is Gonna Be

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I usually never post any of my poetry. 

But it's usually because I have nowhere to actually post or share it.

Well, now I do!! It makes me feel more comfortable posting it on Wattpad because a lot of you are strangers and I only know a few people with Wattpad.

I know that this won't get noticed as much as my other stories.

But I still want to be able to get shit off of my chest and stuff like that.

Hence why this book thing is called 'Thought'

Cus it's the stuff I think about!



Actually, kinda. My mind can be a really dark fucking place.

Which may be why I love Edgar Allan Poe so much.

His stuff is amazing!!! I have a whole book of his poems and stories. Like, physically!! Because it would be weird if I copied all of the stuff from Edgar Allan Poe's stories and poems.

It would also be major plagiarism!! Which I don't do, whatsoever, because everyone has gotta learn how to write their own shit!!

Also, a lot of these poems will probably be stuff I wrote in the past school year. Because I did that in my free time with my dear friend, Google Docs. 

+This might be a book I'm more focused on-

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This chapter-part thing was longer than I expected.

But yeah, this is basically what this 'book' is gonna be.

A book full of my poems and thoughts!! And prob a few talks about my friend RosieTheJoker because she's ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!

0% exaggeration!! 

Like really tho. She's amazing. Her writing is super fucking good too! Go check her out!!

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P.S. - A lot, and I mean- A LOT, of fucking swearing will be in this book. Cus it's how this insane child talks.

Ok, actually, Byeeeeee!!

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