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Camila's POV

Monday had rolled around again, meaning I had school today. I was happy yet mad at the same time, it was the last Monday of me being a high schooler. Until exams that is.

I had no other choice, but to get out of bed if my mom didn't see me downstairs in ten minutes. She would come in and yell at me. I slowly got out of bed thinking about what could happen today.

After my school I decided to pick out my outfit for the day. I had chosen a black skater dress, I had a low cut in the back so I threw on a Jean jacket over it. I also put on a pair of black wedges, I felt like dressing up a little bit. I did my minimal makeup routine, and curled my hair slightly and letting my bangs fall over my face.

"You look nice today" my mom tells me "thank you" I responded. I had all my school stuff ready and an extra pair of shoes it I got tired of these heels. "Do you need a ride today?" She asked me "if you don't mind" I replied.

"Bye Mami" I said once she dropped me off. I wasn't excited to face Chanel today, I had music first so that meant I had to see her. After what I had said to her there was no way she was going to be even remotely nice to me. I had to be on my best behavior if I didn't want her to embarrass me in front of everyone.

I let out a sigh was I walked into the building "nice outfit, Camila dressing up for someone?" Someone said to me and laughed, what was so funny about that. I rolled my eyes in response and kept on walking to class. "Hey, Mila is it true?" Another person asked me "I don't know understand what you're talking about" I said to them.

What was going on today? "Camila, did you actually get with Chanel's boyfriend?" Another person asked "she doesn't have a boyfriend" I said starting to freak out. "That's was you were late to school!" Someone else said, no this couldn't be happening!

"Camila! Camila!" Another voice said I looked down to see Jackson running over to me. "I suggest you don't see Chanel today" he tells me "I can't skip class!" I shouted "what's happening?" I asked on the verge of tears. He looked and pulled me into an empty class room.

"Jack, what's going on?" I asked again "Chanel, said you slept with her boyfriend." Jackson tells me "that's not true! She doesn't have a boyfriend! I didn't sleep with anyone!" I say dismissing the rumor, why would everyone believe her over me? I was always nice to people, while she tried to rule over them. Like she was some sort a queen.

"Why are they believing it?" I asked "because, she's using the day you came last as a reason and everyone saw you dancing with that boy at the party" he tells me. "If her so called boyfriend was cheating he wouldn't cheat on her at her party." I said rolling my eyes at how stupid this sounded. "That's not all, she kinda posted a video of you and that boy kissing..." Jackson trailed off my eyes widen.

"Where is she!" Is all I asked him "probably in the music room" he answered "let's go!" I shouted pulling his arm. We walked down the hallway or more liked jogged down the hallway, people kept asking me question or if it was true. Some idiot asked me if I was doing Jackson next.

"Callarse, estúpido!" I shouted I was so angry I couldn't think straight, all my words came out in Spanish. Jackson followed me as we walked backstage to the auditorium. "You need to calm down" Jackson tells me "Pero no puedo!" But I can't! I cried, why would she do this to me? I had always let them walk over me! Why was I so naive? I didn't see the signs.

Right now it sounded amazing to run away somewhere were nobody knew my name. "Looking for me?" I heard and turned around to see Chanel standing next to Victoria and Allison. They almost looked like they felt bad, almost being the key word. "Why would you do this?" I asked "because you needed to learn your lesson" she tells me smirking.

"You did this because of a boy" I say "you can't threaten people to get them to like you did you know that?" I asked "He doesn't like you okay! He never will because of the way you act! Stop acting like you rule everyone!" I shouted at her "I can't believe I let you walk all over me because I was afraid that I wouldn't have friends." I added I couldn't have went on until students from our class walked into the auditorium.

Everyone looked confused as Chanel and I stood on the stage together after what had happened. She then looked over at me with a little smirk and started to cry. "I can't believe you did this to me Camila! I thought you were my friend! Why do you keep trying to lie to me!" She shouted "but I- I didn't do anything" I replied.

Everyone stared at me like I did something wrong. "I have to go" I tell Jackson running off the stage, I ran into the music room trying to hide from everyone. "Miss.Cabello?" I heard Mrs. Michaels call me "what's going on?" She asked me "nothing" I answered. I couldn't tell my teacher what as going on! Would she even understand?

"You can stay here" she tells me "I'll just tell your teachers you're helping with the show." She added "thank you" I responded with a little smile "here" she said handing me a little notebook. "What's this for?" I asked "if I feel upset I usually wrote down my feelings, it could try into a great song" she said before leaving me alone.

I placed the notebook next to me and pulled out my phone. I noticed a message from Shawn, all of said was have a good day a school. It was too late for that. If I didn't go to that party I would have met him and this wouldn't have happened. But I wouldn't have an amazing friend like him, I would be stuck with those awful girls.

I should have said no, I'll stay in tonight. No, I think I'll stay in tonight. I quickly grabbed the notebook and started writing down my ideas.

"I'm just lookin' for some real friends
All they ever do is let me down
I'm just lookin' for some real friends
Gotta get up out of this town, yeah"

I sang as I played the guitar coming up with some chords to play for the song I had just wrote. I was really proud of what I had wrote, I liked writing music but never thought it was good enough. When I was younger I wanted to write for singers because I was always too shy to sing it myself. Maybe I could now.

I got up from my seat and walked over to the teachers desk the sign up sheet was right there. Did she know? I grabbed a pen and signed up, would I regret this later?

The last bell rang meaning school was over, I watched from the window everyone leaving and decided to leave after everyone else. I didn't want to run into anyone, I didn't want anyone to say awful things to me.

I placed my notebook in my bag and left the music room, the halls were empty only a few students. Once I walked outside I saw that familiar black Jeep. Shawn stood there leaning against the car, maybe I could walk by him.

"Camila!" I heard my name being calling, there goes my plan. "Shawn" I say suddenly becoming nervous, did he know? I didn't want him too, I needed to stay away from a bit. "I was gonna walk house" I say slowly "I can give you a ride" he said. I wanted to say no, but he was already here. I just nodded and got into the car.

"How was school?" He asked me "fine, you?" I asked looking out the window, I was glad I didn't walk home because it started to rain. "Good" he replied, silence had taken over, was it possible for silence to be too loud? "Camila is there something wrong? I know I haven't known you for long, but I know something is up" Shawn asked me.

"I'm fine" I answered not wanting to talk "Camila" he said "Shawn! Just stop!" I shouting becoming upset "you have done enough!" I said "what did I do?" He asked looking over at me, the car had stopped once we got in front of my house. "Just leave me alone! Please, I don't know why you would want to be my friend."

"I'm an awful person, I don't deserve your friendship, we need to stay away from each other for awhile. I'm sorry" I apologize once last time to him before getting out of the car. I heard him calling my name, but I ignored him.

"Camila?" "Are you there?" My mom asked me. Once I saw her I couldn't help, but break down into tears. "Camila, what's wrong?" She asked me quickly pulling me into a hug, despite me being soaking wet from the rain.
"Everything!" I shouted.

I had played with fire and got burned , and now all I was left with was scars.

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I think 2 chapters are left!

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