Do you ever get that thing?
That weird slimly thing,
It's perpetually stuck in your throat on long or hard runs,
And may or may not taste like cat litter.
Do you ever get that thing?
That slimy weird crap that you wanna hack up during a race but can't,
It makes me hate runs when it attacks,
And gets stuck to my lips in white globs.
Do you ever get that thing?
The Dreaded Slime.
(This awful poem was composed today on a long, hot run by myself and a coupla guys on my team. Brought to you by PowerAde [not really; I kid, I kid! Don't hurt me!].)
Surviving Cross Country and Track: The Perils of Distance Running
RandomSo we've all been there. That moment when you're breathing hard and about ready stop so you can get a drink of water, race be damned, as you huff it up that last hill. If you're like me, you know that all fades away when you see the finish line at L...