Ch. 10 Can't find my socer shoes

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Shinigami struggles agaisnt the ropes.

"Stop struggling Luna" Iku hisses.

Mikey sighs.

"So are you going to explain your evil plan ?" Mikey asks, expecting some kind of evil plan to be monalged. Like seriously Mikey's been though this before.

"What ?" Iku snaps.

"You know your evil master plan are you going to us ?" Mikey asks hoping to buy sometime.

"Very well, Once we're done finishing conecting the regrating chamber to Dr. Kobayashi's lab w..." Iku begins to mongalo but someone's ring tone goes off, as the old Spiderman theme plays.

(This is Mikey's ring tone 😂)

Iku trying her best to ignore the song countines her monglog. Mikey bites down his lip, knowing that was hid phone going off.

"The Chamber will drain...."

The theme song gets louder and more annoying.

"Okay who's phone is that ?!" Iku shouts.

"Sorry sorry that's mine phone" Mikey admits.

Shinigami shakes her head. Dr. Kobayashi doesn't say anything, he just looks at Iku with guilt.

Baxter picks it up and looks at the phone.

"911 emergency ?" Baxter asks.

"What ?" Mikey Exclaimes.

"The contacts says family emergency" Baxter said looking at the phone.

"Oh no Molly ! Please let me talk to her ! She could be hurt !" Mikey begs him.

Baxter sighs, feeling sorry for Mikey so he comes in front of Mikey with the phone.

"Okay you got two minutes" Baxter said as he answers the phone and faces the phone towards Mikey and only Mikey so Molly could only see Mikey's face.

The phone shows Molly's cheerful face.

"Hi Uncle Mikey !" Molly said.

"Hey Molly" Mikey smiles. "What's up kiddo are you okay ?" Mikey asks.

"I can't find my socer shoes" Molly said.

"Oh that kind of emergency" Mikey said relized that Molly was fine.

Ms. Wilson comes into the frame with Mikey. Baxter monitions Mikey to hurry up.

"Hey Sweetie Molly can't find her socer shoes at your older sister's house and I think she left our house can you check around the house ?" Ms.Wilson asks.

"I can't I'm at a friends house playing muisc chairs" Mikey lies.

Mikey could see April in the background.

"And why is a high schooler like you playing music chairs ?" April asks suspuises.

"Hey I played muisc chairs Mikey's age and I still do" Ms.Wilson said.

"Uhhhh mom I have to get back to playing the game" Mikey said sheepishly.

"Alright have fun" Ms. Wilson.

"Have fun !!!!" Molly and April cheers as Baxter hangs up the phone.

"Seriously muisc chairs ?" Shinigami asks.

"It was the only thing I could come up with" Mikey said.

"Enough !!!!" Iku snaps.

"As she was saying, after the chamber is hooked with the qutemue realme machine I will drain Aya's energy from with the realm stabilizing Iku's condition" Baxter explains.

"No that will kill her !" Dr. Kobayashi shouts as Baxter Stockman goes up to Dr. Kobayashi and reaches into his lab coat, pulling out a stable mutagen X vile.

"So you've made one stable mutagen X" Baxter Stockman scoffs putting it on the table.

"Years I've spent in constant pain not even my suit can help me anymore, this is the only way" Iku said.

"Iku please I can help you... ah !" Dr. Kobayashi shouts as Iku hits him.

"You had the chance to help me but you abandoned me, because you thought I died !" Iku snares.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, I want to make this right but you need to listen to me this isn't going to help you" Dr. Kobayashi begs.

"It's too late for me" Iku snares glaring at him.

"But you can help with the project you'll be here to help see it through" Baxter smirks.

"The hell I...." Dr. Kobayashi stopped in mid sentence, as he begins to breath heavily as his restrained hands begin to flinch.

"No Dad !" Shinigami shouts, knowing her father was about to have a heart attack.

"Dr. Kobayashi !" Mikey shouts in concern.

"He's having a heart attack, please Stockman he needs his heart medicaion or he'll die !" Shinigami begs, sounding desperate.

Baxter looks at the medicone on the table. He didn't like Norio. But he didn't hate his guts. He actually respects him even if he was kinda of grump. But he cared about Shini losing another parent, he knew losing her mother was tough. It wasn't fair to lose a father too.

He walks over to the table and grabs the medicion. However this was a trick Dr. Kobayashi used on him and the medicion was really a smoke screen.

"Wait don't !" Iku tries to warn but it was to late Baxter already opened it and smoke covers the whole room.

Shinigami cuts the ropes freeing her self and Mikey. Shinigami runs over to her father and frees him, grabbing all there stuff, including weapons and masks. Dr. Kobayashi grabs the stable Mutagen X. Turflytle grabs the lab and the part before the Shinigami throws a red Smoke bomb, causing the trio to escape.

When the smoke clears Iku sees them gone. She growls in anger.


Note: I was laughing when Cassie called Scott it was so cute. And we thought the old Spiderman theme song fit Mikey's ring tone since he's a Spiderman fan. Next Chapter : Dr. Kobayashi gets the machine work and Aya communicates with him though Mikey meanwhile Fong intagates Rai to find Turflytle.

Tmnt12 Human Au: Turflytle and The Shinigami (Parody of Antman and the Wasp)Where stories live. Discover now