COMPLETE (35/35)
18/18 female selected 12/17 male selected
The Second Generation Selection Roleplay.
"My heart beats for you..."
1 Prince, I Princess, 2 Life-Altering Marriages💠
Fill in a form and join us on this plotastic roleplay...
As the selection has commenced, assignments have been given out. This was Round 1 and only three Assignments have been delegated to them.
The selected were split into two teams of which they have come up with group names and have chosen their leaders. The royals have permitted me to announce them here:
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Team A:
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Leaders: Lady Elizabeth & Lady Pennie
Team B:
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Leaders: Sir Jonah & Lady BlueJay
Assignment No.1
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The first assignment required each selected to write to their beloved families back at home, so it is self-explanatory that this was individual. The winners are:
─Female─ Lady Ajax Random_User16 has found the swivelled the decision in her favour as her letter had been daubed the best. Congratulations.
─Male─ Sir Dan jxst-a-girl won this one with nudging the vote his way. Congratulations.
Therefore, it means that two people from Team Neon Lady Sir managed to hijack the praise thus far.
Assignment No.2
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The second assignment required each team to profile our very own, King Cartier. In my opinion, this may be have been slightly difficult as the ruler of our country should have more important duties to tend to, than talk to banal selected about himself.
“There’s nothing so kingly as kindness and nothing so royal as truth,” – Alice Clary.
After recently interviewing King Cartier, we can conclude quite a few things about him. We have learned much about his personality, and his values. First of all, his personality. Genuinely, King Cartier is a kind and warm-hearted man. When you first meet him, you just naturally get this feeling of warmth. The first impression received from Team A, was that he is polite at first meet. It does not matter if you are a complete stranger, he will be nice to you. This was shown when he walked into the room starting with the joke, “Good day selecteds, it is to my understanding that I am your guinea pig for this afternoon.”
Be honest, who would not want to be friends with a guy like that? Another trait that could be used to describe him is that he is able to keep calm under most situations. When asked what helps him calm down when he is stressed, his reply was, “...I almost never need calming down....” He believes strongly that being angry would not help you rule a kingdom. Anger generally leads to irrationality and impulsiveness. Though it is good sometimes to trust your gut, as a king he knows that he should remain cool, calm and collected in most situations. However, we have learned he is not a man to be messed with. If he feels uncomfortable with you, or feels like he is being forced into a situation he does not want to be in, he will stand his ground.