chapter 3 finding out the gender together

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Ricky helped Amy to an empty seat in the waiting room and made his way to the front desk of the doctor's office. He waited in line so that he could check them in. Once he finished talking to the receptionist he went to join his wife and sat down in one of the vacant seats next to her.

after a while they heard their names being called so they went into one of the examination rooms to wait for the doctor to come and for the doctor to come and see them.

A moment later they heard a light knock on the door and it opened.

It was the doctor.

" hello mr. And mrs. Underwood it's a pleasure to see again." The doctor told them with a kind smile on her face

" dr. Hill is it true that today is the day that we will be able to find out the gender our baby?" Amy asked the doctor eagerly.

" yes ma'am you're right today is the day where you will have the opportunity to find out the gender of your baby. But first I have some questions to ask you." Doctor Hill explained.

" now I know that this is your second pregnancy. Am I correct? " the doctor ask them.

Both Amy and Ricky nodded their heads yes in response to the question.
" all right. Amy no offense but you are quite Young. How old were you during your first pregnancy?" Asked the doctor.

" none taken, I was 15 years old when I found out I was pregnant with our son John." Amy told the doctor.

" I see so you have a 3 year old at home?" The doctor asked confirming.

" yes we do." Ricky answered. Dr. Hill takes a moment and types the answers Amy and Ricky gave her into the computer.

" mr. Underwood how old were you when your wife became pregnant?" She asked Ricky.

" when we found out that Amy was pregnant with our son I was 16 years old. At the time we were both still in high school and we weren't married yet. We were just dating." Ricky said answering the question.

" what do the the two of you have planned in regards to childcare once the baby is born?" dr. Hill asked them.

" well our son John is going to be in his first year of kindergarten by the time the baby is born." Amy answered.

" as for child care of our newest arrival, well we have other plans. I am going to be taking 1 year of paid paternity leave to look after the baby." Ricky explained.

" during which time I am going to be starting my first year as an elementary school teacher, an elementary school music and drama teacher." Amy told the doctor.

Dr. Hill continue to type the answers that Amy and Ricky had given her and her computer. " listen, I hope that I am not being too intrusive by asking all of these questions. It's just that I'm trying to make sure but I understand your situation better. I hope you understand that I do this with all of my patients." The doctor explained to the couple.

" don't worry it's all right we understand!" Amy said.

" so what kind of support system do you have at home?" Doctor Hill asked.

" well, we have my adoptive parents and adoptive brother, as well as Nora my birth mother." Ricky answered.

" we also have my parents and my step parents as well as my younger sister Ashley." Amy spoke.

" not to mention the really great group of friends we have.

" there's Jack and Grace, Ben and Adrian, Alice and Henry, Madison and Lauren," Amy continued to speak.

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