~*BONUS Story #4*~

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Confused *Part 1* (Rinya's Past)

"Bye sis!" Yuni calls from the doorframe, slipping out behind the broken down and splintered door. "Keep outta trouble!"

I keep my eyes closed and wave to her, not wanting to wake up yet. Yuni's crazy for getting up so early in the morning! Five o'clock? Is she crazy? And she does it everyday! And it's all for some stupid boy! Baka! Just thinking about it makes me annoyed, and I sit up, throwing my hands over my head.

"You really are a Tsun Loli aren't you Rin?" I look to the doorway and see Yuni smirking at me.

"S-shut up! Stupid baka!" I say, blushing.

She laughs and exits the door again, avoiding the can I throw at her. I fall back down onto our makeshift bed, yawning softly. "Bye Yuni," I mumble.

A few hours later I wake up again, my eyes fluttering open to see daylight shining brightly through the window. I decide to get up and walk around the little town. There aren't many people that live in this area, and those that do keep to themselves. I guess that's why we picked this place. Everyone here is also kind of short on money, so we don't stick out. We get by by stealing things, and while it's not great, we don't have a choice. No one will hire a couple of little girls.

"Well, I can at least try to find a job today, it's not like I have better things to do." I say to myself. I change into a pink shirt and a tattered black skirt that Yuni found in the trash at Yuki's school. It must have been ripped while some girl was playing, but I don't mind.

I fold up the blankets and stow them in a closet, hiding them from anyone who might wander through here.

"Time to explore," I mumble under my breath, climbing through the door.

I walk along the cracked and crumbled sidewalk, kicking bits of rock as I go. When I reach the few shops and houses, I stop for a minute and look around. There are only a few people walking around, an elderly woman and a couple teenage boys.

"Give us your money gramma, and we won't hurt ya," the boys laugh as I step closer. I duck into an alley and watch from the shadows.

"Please boys, I barely have enough money as it is for me, my daughter, and my grandson," she pleads.

"I don't care! Now shut your friggin' mouth!" The first boy, with spiky blonde hair, kicks the woman, and the second, who has a messy bird's nest of brown hair, pushes her to the ground. They both share an evil laugh.

"Picking on an old woman?" I growl under my breath. "That is a new low. Humans really are stupid, just like brother Aru used to say." I curl my fists and walk out of the shadows. I guess I can't keep out of trouble like I promised Yuni. "Sorry sis,"

It takes only a few steps before the blonde one sees me. "Hey! Little girl! What do you think you're doing? Go run back home to your mommy kid!"

"Yeah!" the brunette mimics.

I say nothing and walk closer until I am next to the woman. "Ma'am, get up," I say, offering my tiny hand. She seems to be in shock, as well as the boys.

"Hey! What'd I just s-" Before the words get out of his mouth, I claw the side of his face with my nails.

He lets out a scream of excruciating pain, and I just sigh. "Father has conducted much worse torture on me and I've never made a sound, so don't cry like a little baby. It doesn't even hurt that bad, so act your age stupid human!" Both the boys look horrified. I suppose it's because of my intelligence, or, perhaps it's what I just said and did. Well, there are explanations for both, so it doesn't really matter.

Sometimes, humans just cannot comprehend when a human child speaks in such a manner at such a young age, and the youth is considered a, 'genius'. However, nekos differ from this. We are taught from a young age by Father, to learn as much knowledge as possible, as fast as you can. We are a superior species because we are taught from birth, things that humans take several years to understand and comprehend. Even for my age, however, I am considered smart back home. It is expected for a neko of five to know everything a human child of ten knows. I, however, have the knowledge of a twelve year old. Yuni is also smarter than normal, and while normal nekos her age(6), are expected the knowledge of a twelve year old, she is in the mindset of a fourteen year old human. She sometimes, however, acts much younger than she should... Anyways, back on with the explanation. Since humans are already stoked and amazed when a young child speaks with a slightly high IQ, when words like, 'torture' and 'stupid human', come out of your mouth, and you've just scratched a child who appears to be years older, they tend to get quite frightened.

Both of the boy's eyes are wide with fear, but they are soon filled with rage as blood drips from the blonde's cheek.

"You little bitch!" They both try to kick me or hit me, but, as I am also faster than nearly every one of my brothers and sisters and have been trained in the art of fighting, I dodge them easily.

"Please go away," I growl. My ears and tail are hidden, but my growl surely sounds like a wild animal.

Realizing that they can't beat up a child who is perhaps a decade younger than them must make them embarrassed, because they stop harassing the woman and myself, and run away quickly, shouting threats and curse words along the way.

After they vanish down the street, I help the woman up off the ground. "Are you alright miss?"

"Y-yes," she says, staring at me with wide eyes. I realize that her eyes are filling, not with fear, but with.. tears? She suddenly hugs me and begins to cry joyfully. "I've never met such a kind young child," she says. "You truly are an angel darling. How could I ever thank you for what you've done?"

I stand there dumbfounded, but my brain still functions. "Um, I could use a job,"

"Of course dear!"she says, ruffling my hair. "A sweet young girl like you deserves one, I'm sure you can be of help with my cleaning service!" She glances at my tattered clothes. "And it looks like you need the money, do you," she pauses. "Do you have any parents?"

I formulate a story in my head. "My parents both died when I was a baby.." I say, adding a touch of sorrow to my voice. "My onee-chan has been taking care of my for years now,"

"You poor child," she sympathizes.

I realize how easy it is to make humans feel pity, and I twist the knife that is my story a little deeper. "My sister, I don't know if she'll.." I stop and choke on my tears, which I now comprehend are a valuable tool. "I don't know if she'll live much longer... she gives all the food we get to me, and refuses to eat until I'm full," I sob. "I feel so bad, she's a bag of bones!!" I wail, nearly falling to my knees.

I'm laying it on a bit thick, but why not have fun with it.

"That decides it! You are coming with me and getting a job!" the woman says.

I smile at her. "Thank you madame,"

Some humans really are simple. They confuse me.

A/n: I'm sorry I've just been really busy on vacation, that's my reason for slow updates! I've made this chapter extra long, so hopefully you guys will be patient with me!

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