Emma: Part 6

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Down at Sandy Beach, we found a place to park the pontoon on the sand and enjoyed the usually crowded spot, sharing with a few families and some young couples out taking advantage of the warm spring day. While us girls attempted to sunbathe, the men played a game of Frisbee, leaping among the sand and water in a masculine display of taut muscles and sweat. I didn't see what got Chloe so worked up about Daniel's physique. He was fit, if a little softer than Michael, but his tanned, strong legs redefined swarthy, country boy. She caught me staring at her husband and pinched my arm.

"Ow?" I exclaimed, rubbing the spot.

"Eyes off the hubby," she said without any real anger.

"I was just curious about why you thought he was letting himself go. Daniel's in great shape."

Eve nodded her agreement as she sipped a wine cooler. "He's got that good, ol' boy thing going on, with that thick, gold hair and them chocolate eyes. I think he's hot, and I'm not into the kind of man. I like mine to have a little badness in them."

Chloe listened and redirected her gaze to Daniel, trying to see him the way we did. "I guess. It's just that when we were first married, he was still playing football for college and I remember those tight uniform pants that hugged his butt, and since then it's seemed like he's just not as active, and I kind of miss that." She sighed. "Maybe I just miss the uniform."

"Uniforms are every woman's fantasy," I said, ignoring Eve's eye rolling, and expressed, "Every woman's. Doesn't matter if it's military, police, firemen...in fact, thinking of a man wearing nothing but a fire hose and a pair of galoshes...Whew! Is it hot out here?" I fanned away the mock, sexually aroused heat flash and Chloe giggled.

"Can I tell you guys something?" she asked softly in a conspiratorial voice. We nodded, eager to hear one of her stories, which usually revolved around sex.  

"We did it in the locker room after practice once," she went on. "It was his senior year up on the Hill and he'd had such a shitty practice, that he was still there long after every one else left, and I came to find him because we were supposed to have this great dinner planned, and well...he looked so good, sitting on that bench with nothing but those white, football pants on, sweat dripping off his hair, and I attacked him, right there against some guy named Bull's locker."

"How did you get into the locker room?" Eve asked. "I tried a million times when we were there. That place is locked up tighter than Fort Knox."

Chloe giggled again. "I bribed the security guy with a term paper. He was in my tutoring circle, and I knew he was having trouble passing his Creative Writing course, so I told him that if he didn't rat me out, I wouldn't rat him out. It worked out nice. Johnny, I think his name was."

Okay, if you didn't know the story of how Eve and Chloe met, that last part of this story might be a little confusing. While I've been slaving away at the local university for the last ten years, Chloe and Eve attended the state university in the northern part of the state. They were dormmates during their first year, and moved into an apartment together for the next two years, until Chloe and Daniel married. Our loveable football team had taken up residence in the living rooms around the state for every autumn Saturday for the last fifty years or so. Pigskin bunnies were common at the university, and getting into the locker room was like attaining the Mile High Club status. It was a self-satisfying accomplishment, and I'd heard my share of satisfied stories.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Eve continued the thread of conversation.

"Because you can't write worth a damn," Chloe pointed out. "I'm surprised you graduated at all. A lot of your term papers were not penned by you."

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