Chapter 8

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We had been walking in the woods for about half an hour. We had split up into different directions a while ago. Axel taking the right, Alyssa the left and i kept to the middle of the forest, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The image of Sierra, nearly lifeless on the ground entered my thoughts. Niel poisoned her... That sick bastard. Why hadn't i noticed it before? I warned her about the hunters, I warn Sierra about everything. But it seems no one ever listens.

I felt his presence behind me, but didn't turn around. My thoughts were too loud and he was insignificant. "Kira I've checked everywhere but I can't find any basil leaf." Silence, I didn't want to see him. To hear his voice. I couldn't even look at him without breaking. "Should I go with Alyssa..?" He wondered. More silence, I didn't even bother looking at the leaves in my hands.

"I know you're giving me the silent treatment, but if Sierra means anything to you, you'll turn around and help me try to cure her." There was an edge to his voice and I could hear him grit his teeth. "Listen and be a good leader and take care of your pack for once!" I felt his cold hand push me and force me to look at him. It seems that even when I break he's always angry at me. I lost it and showed weakness and he didn't utter a word.

He was shocked, shocked to find a girl under all the walls I build. He's done with me, maybe I should be too. "Forget it, you're nothing but a selfish leader and a-" His voice caught in his throat and his eyes opened in surprise, maybe even fear, as he stepped back.I was well aware that my face was red, and that there were tears on my cheeks.

I was well aware what Axel thought of me and that I was displaying weakness, vulnerability. But I just didn't care. Because i knew what he said was true. I couldn't look up at him as I whispered,
"It's my fault... I should've taken better care of her." It's always my fault, because everyone is my responsibility. I expected him to yell at me again because i need to pick myself up. I need to be strong so they don't have to be scared. After all who wants a useless girl as there leader.

Axel shook his head hesitantly, "N-No.. it's not your fault that she.." "Now I'm going to loose her.. Just like.." I let more beads of water fall to the ground. Lucas, I promised him I would keep the pack safe. No more bloodshed, no more death. But I'm failing and Sierra will suffer because of it. "She's going to die hating me.." "She's going to die despising me for what I did to you!!"

I looked up at him sniffling, I must have looked like a mess because he cringed slightly. He was scared, I could tell and probably confused, but what i didn't expect was him to grab my hand. I knew his words weren't true, sierras bond with her brother is strong. I've never seen family care so much about each other.

Although I could tell he didn't really want to, he pulled me into a hug. I think he just wanted me to stop crying, like it made him uncomfortable. I let myself lay on his chest. My mind flashed to Lucas the day he told me, I should be alpha. "You don't understand, I don't know how to be a leader. I can't even defend myself. I don't know how to use my powers. If anything I would be a follower, an obedient member of the pack." Lucas laughed, "Because Kira with extraordinary ability's wants to take orders?"

I nodded, "My whole life I've done everything by tradition. In my village, I was meant to be the obedient daughter who would some day get married and bring her family honor. I'm not some hero fighting for justice, that was my mother not me. And if I made the same mistakes, I would end up just like her. And I-" Tears began to fall down my checks. I'm not a fighter or the leader he thinks I am. But Lucas reassured me saying he would help me every step of the way. Only one of those events came true.

I quickly pushed Axel away from me. "What are you doing!" I screamed. He was a hunter, one of the men that had killed Lucas, and I was not going to let him take advantage of me. It ashamed me that Lucas came to my mind when I was with Axel, a murderer. I quickly turned around and wiped my eyes, facing the task ahead of me. But before I could begin again, I felt him pat my shoulder. I whipped around, about to give him a piece of my mind but i saw him smile at me sympathetically. I dropped my gaze and muttered "I don't need your pity.." I hate looking vulnerable and now he wants to sympathize with me.

Like I'm a lost child, no like I'm his little sister. His smile dropped slightly and he began to walk away. "You can find basil leaf by the creek.." He muttered as he walked away. With him gone I felt more relaxed, but I still felt alone. He knows nothing about me and what I've been through. It's easier to commit horrible acts when he thinks I'm the villain. Alyssas words rang through my head, the day Lucas died. "You need time, time to heal from all the tragedy that this world has brought you. " No, I need to survive and in order to do that, I have to keep going.

I grabbed a handful of basil leaf but as I put it in a jar I saw two brown eyes staring right at me. The large brown wolf came out of the bushes it's eyes never leaving me. It's teeth were not visible neither were it's claws, it approached me carefully as if I would run away. I stared back at the wolf and bowed my head, then the wolf before me shifted into a man. His black hair stood out from his tan skin and his face was very serious but his eyes were full of urgency. "The Leidolf request a trial alpha." A shiver went down my spin. The most powerful werewolves, the ones who created the hybrids want a trial. "For what?" I chocked out. I regretted the question, I should nod my head and leave. He's higher than you..he doesn't have to answer anything you say.

He brushed off my question and ran a hand through his hair. "The boy, he ruins the balance of our ways." How did they know he was a werewolf? How much do they know about him and Sierra? I met his gaze as I demanded, "What will you do with him?" Why do i care? If he wasn't Sierra's brother I would have left him to die. I care because if her brother is in danger she deserves to know. "The Leidolf will decide whether he is worthy." Then the man vanished and I heard howls in the distance. The Leidolf will decide whether Axel belongs with our kind. But he's a hunter who despises our kind. My face pailed as I realized they know who he is and there going to kill him for it.

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