Hi guys! I'm back with my annual update lmao.
Why do you guys even bother reading this 😂😂
Anyways, I'm just gonna put in a bit of a recap incase you've forgotten what's happened so far (which is honestly likely).
Alright so Izuna had a weird cat on his shoulder. Turns out that cat is actually Kin's brother in law. Kin's engaged to the king of the god world and because Kin was being bitchy and not answering the necessary questions to keep Sakura in the loop Sakura got upset and accidentally came to the god world with Kin. Now they're here. Sakura saw the lab that Kin works in and uh is now meeting the king.
Oh and Kago's (King Teii's half brother) was the result of Teii's dad cheating on his mom and he's kinda like scarred by how Teii's parents treated him and the fact that his name literally means "mistake" and so yeah.
Takama = the city where the gods live. Check the end of the previous chapter for exact translations of names and stuff.
Oh and also like I edited this on my phone in the middle of the night so please comment on typos or grammatical errors because like,,,, gotta fix those.
On to the story!
The ride down the mountainside was a silent one, one that Kin spent nibbling on her lip and that Sakura spent taking in Takama. The beautiful city's colours made the two women's usually vibrant hair almost seem dull. From a different angle, Sakura could see a large building in the middle of everything. This time Sakura was sure that the city didn't only remind her of coral reefs, but was also designed based on them. The building was a vibrant teal, with one base and many sections separating from it in unusual and erratic patterns. Like a big reef. There was one section of the building, the widest and the tallest, that came from the middle and went almost straight up, creating an impossibly tall structure. Sakura was almost certain that this important looking building was the one the King resided in.
Looking at this world of gods made Sakura's resolve strengthen. Her resolve to make it out of this alive, to keep Madara out of trouble, and to get herself out of this seemingly endless loop—making this her last life.
They took a motorized cart without a driver through the streets of Takama. Sakura remained silent for a large portion of the journey—once again taking in all she could see. There were people with all different types of skin tones, body types, and hair and eye colours, some walking with friends and some alone, some serious and others laughing. It was just like Konoha, but different. There were many people that Sakura could guess their names. One lady meekly walked down the street, with simple clothing and long wavy blonde hair that had live butterflies sitting in, flapping their wings occasionally but all contently going along for the ride. Her name must've been something along the lines of Cho. Butterfly.
When the cart finally pulled to the side of the road and Kin opened her door and stepped out, Sakura realized that they had arrived at the giant building she had been examining earlier. She had been right, this was the King's palace right in the center of his beautiful city.
A man greeted them at the entrance as he opened the door. He dipped into a short bow. "Welcome Lady Kin and honored guest of the Lady."
They walked through the busy ground floor of the building and Sakura relived a similar sight to what happened in the lab. People greeted Kin as they passed by, all evidently busy with their own schedules for the day.
Kin pressed a button and a door opened in the wall, leading them into a small room. When the door closed once more, Kin pressed a button in the panel to the left of the door and the room began to move upwards.
Responding to Sakura's surprised expression. "It's an elevator. It's faster and easier than climbing a hundred flights of stairs."
Sakura nodded, "So, when did you meet King Teii?"
"We met at a party a few years ago. A masquerade ball actually. It was hosted by a mutual friend of our parents and he asked me to dance because he found my gold chains interesting." She smiled at the obviously fond memory she was reliving. "I hadn't recognized him with the mask and you wouldn't believe my surprise when he revealed his identity to me at the end of the night."
Sakura licked her lips, not taking her eyes off the door. "And then?"
"Well, I wasn't really interested in a relationship at that time, especially one with the future king. It just seemed like a lot of work and I wanted to focus on my lab and my research. But he was very cute and very persistent, I'll give him that. He has pretty eyes too."
The two women cracked smiles at each other right as the door opened once more.
They stepped out of the elevator and into a short but grand hallway leading to a giant set of wooden doors. The doors opened by themselves as the pair approached and Sakura couldn't help but notice the smile that was starting to tug at Kin's lips.
King Teii took a pair of glasses off and placed them on his desk as he stood up. He had a slim face and broad shoulders, wild green hair and narrow golden eyes. "Kin! Hi honey!" He stepped away from the desk and strode towards them. He planted a quick kiss on Kin's nose before turning to Sakura.
Sakura took the hand he extended towards her. "Hello, King Teii. My name's Sakura Haruno."
A green eyebrow flicked upwards. "Meaning... the human Sakura that Kin's been telling me about?"
"Yes, I suppose so."
Teii looked at his fiancée. "How did she get here?"
Kin sighed, taking a step back from the king. "She grabbed onto me as I was coming back and came with me. I guess I was too harsh with not answering any questions—she has a lot of those." Kin reached for Teii's hands. "She wants to know more about your brother."
Teii's smile was tight as he glanced back at Sakura, seemly about the speak when the doors slid open once more to reveal three people.
The two on the sides were in uniform—likely guards—and they were holding the arms of a handcuffed man in the middle.
This man, with green hair that was about 10 shades darker than King Teii's and a slim physique, had similar narrowed gold eyes and confident stance to his half-brother. Sakura eyed him cautiously up and down as he did the same to her.
"What do you think you're doing?" The King's sudden harsh tone made Sakura's eyes dart to him. "Who gave you the order to put my brother in handcuffs?" The guards' faces quickly became pale.
"Sorry Your Majesty," one of them managed to stutter out. "This has been normal protocol when the previous king summoned Kago."
"That's Lord Kago to you. And my father is no longer the king, is he? Now release my brother at once."
As the guards rushed to carry out Teii's orders Sakura watched as a grateful smile slipped onto Kago's face. He rubbed at his wrists once the cuffs were off and the guards out of the room. "Thanks bro—"